When to use "have had done" ,or is it a correct sentence?
2010년 4월 27일 오전 8:04
답변 · 6
from google, here's a few sample sentences. Rather strangely, they all seem to relate to cosmetic surgery! "The only thing I have had done were my teeth" "the work they have had done to stay youthful and attractive" "diagnostic tests you have had done in the past year"
2010년 4월 27일
have had done...not 'have had doing'...does not make any sense in native english. Mixed tenses are a common issue with non-English speakers. If anyone has an example that proves me wrong, please let me know, but I cannot think of an example saying 'have had doing'...that makes any sense, at least! Examples: "I have had my hair done" "Have you had your teeth done?"
2010년 4월 27일
Anna, It does make sense in English. "Have something done" and "get something done" are called causative verbs. They refer to an action that is done for the subject rather than by the subject. I have my hair done at the beauty parlor. I had my hair done at the beauty parlor. A manicure and a pedicure are among the things that I have had done at the beauty parlor. As soon as I saw her I knew what she had had done, a facelift! I get my hair cut at the barber shop. I got my hair cut at the barber shop. I have got (gotten) my hair cut at the barber. etc.
2010년 4월 27일
Hi Anna, I suppose you mean had have doing (past perf cont?
2010년 4월 27일
probally have had doing (Present Perfect Continuos Tense), it's used to say a process during some time... but it's better to use Present Perfect (have done) in this case, seems to me :)
2010년 4월 27일
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