if someone ask me, "Do you speak english ?", what should i answer if i want to say i don't speak very well?
2010년 5월 2일 오전 12:11
답변 · 4
You can say: I don't speak English well. I do speak some English. I try, please speak slowly. My English is not very good. My English is poor. Have you seen the "Do you speak English?" video?
2010년 5월 2일
You can just say 'little' and that should do the trick. Although i like how the typical responce to that would be for the Englishman to just repeat himself more loudly hehe.
2010년 5월 4일
you can say" I can ,but a little"
2010년 5월 3일
hi,Anderson I have been asked this questions many times,and my anwser is " yes, I can speak a little." or " yes, just a little." or " yes, but my English is poor." Good luck!
2010년 5월 2일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!