What does it mean the phrase "Not on my watch" ?
2010년 5월 5일 오전 5:40
답변 · 6
When you're "on watch" it means you're staying awake to guard and make sure things are OK while others sleep. You all take turns to be on watch. Think of a situation such as camping in the wilderness, or in a war zone, where your group may be attacked. You'd say "Not on my watch!" if you hear of something you disagree with, and you won't let that happen while you're around. "He uses a lot of chilli when he's cooking." "Not on my watch!" "Green pants go with a red shirt." "Not on my watch!"
2010년 5월 5일
not on your time or while you are in charge.. not while you are the responsible...
2010년 5월 5일
Whatever you dont want to happen, it's not gonna happen while you are there !!! NOT ON YOUR WACTH !!!
2010년 5월 5일
it means "someone distancing themselves from a situation" cowboy...
2010년 5월 5일
It means the same as 'not when I'm in charge'.
2010년 5월 5일
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