Nike is very popular in China!But it also expensive. i want to know ,is it popular in any another countries?
2010년 5월 15일 오전 8:29
답변 · 4
It's the same in Mexico. Very popular, but expensive.
2010년 5월 15일
It is popular all over the world.
2010년 5월 15일
Yes,not only nike but also some brand like reebook,adidas etc .. They are so expensive,but i 'd love these quality ... They're good ... The price talk bout the quality
2010년 5월 15일
Nike, as we knew to be one of the most popular brand of a shoes, is so popular here and yes, it's quite expensive... Just for your info, most of Nike shoes here are coming from China and other neighbouring Asian countries. The quality is good and relatively cheaper than those of Western made. Mine lasted for more than two years of almost-everyday-use. :)
2010년 5월 15일
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