Why do you think important to learn English and what is your objective with this language?
2010년 5월 18일 오후 8:15
답변 · 7
for as simple as this to communicate with foreign people that apply to my job. cowboy...
2010년 5월 19일
the knowledge of english is important for many reasons but for me in particular: 1- i can read many things that are not written in my own language( books but also on internet) 2- for work you can have better opportunities in your own country and you have the possibility to work abroad 3- at the end you have a better control on your life and you are free to do what you want
2010년 5월 19일
Hi... it is important to learn languages as many as you can... to help your communication skills...
2010년 5월 19일
I agree with Otto about the importance of languages, specially English. My purpose is to get the TESOL.
2010년 5월 19일
it's important for me because I can communicate with people around the world who speak this language, besides, I can use it in many activities such as translation of books and movies, when you speak another language acquire culture.
2010년 5월 18일
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