Whats 'in turn' meaning in the following sentence? William feels that he looks at the world through the eyes of a philosopher, which 'in turn' helps him express himself through photography.
2010년 5월 21일 오후 4:11
답변 · 4
In turn= which results in
2010년 5월 21일
Hi, In this sentence 'in turn' means 'as a result of''. Basically William is saying that his philosophical view of the world greatly influences his photography.
2010년 5월 21일
"In turn" generally has to do with sequence or order. In this case, what it basically means is "then." Think of it as every else has put it, though: it means that it creates a result. It's a cause and effect expression, as nanren888 said.
2010년 5월 22일
I have to agree with Jura, "in turn" = "results in" but maybe with a softer meaning. I think "in turn" has more a sense of A leads to B. (or A in this case subsequently leads to B) There is a sense of cause & effect, but maybe not as strong as A always results in B, maybe a little lighter than "results in".
2010년 5월 22일
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