Do you mind people who use 'umm', 'uhh', 'ok', 'like', 'yea', and other such phrases often in their speech?
2010년 5월 26일 오전 10:25
답변 · 8
No, I don't mind. I usually don't even notice it, unless it's excessive. I does bother me if the speaker is giving a speech or seminar. Then it can be distracting.
2010년 5월 26일
This filler words are completely natural, and every language has them. There is not a single native English-speaker in the world who does not use them constantly when speaking.
2010년 5월 26일
Well, for me it's always better and more enjoyable to listen to someone more confident that has a more extensive vocabulary, but since almost everybody use such expressions, I guess it's better if we don't mind, otherwise we will rarely enjoy a conversation :P
2010년 9월 21일
I really don't mind. I use that too.
2010년 5월 27일
I don't mind them, but as for "often", it can be very painful!
2010년 5월 26일
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