Pronunciation of 人? I know what it means, and I know when to use it, but I mostly pronounce it as rén, but I was at a Chinese restaurant (they were speaking Mandarin) and they kept switching of from rén to a sound like zhén so I'm jus wondering if both sounds can be used or if they blend in togethor?Ok, I get it that it is rén I know that, but I have heard other native speakers speak with with a more zh starting sound to it, which confuses me at times
2010년 7월 27일 오후 9:30
답변 · 5
The "r" sound in Chinese is a cross between an English "r" and a "y". You're hearing the "y" sound, especially from the South Chinese. It is similar to Chinese "zh", but listen clearly and you will hear the difference.
2010년 7월 28일
The standard pronunciation is ren.
2010년 7월 28일
you pronociation is right,it is called ren.
2010년 7월 28일
rén is correct pronounce of 人 in Mandarin.
2010년 7월 27일
As I know, 人 just has only one pronunciation in Mandarin,it's "rén".
2010년 7월 27일
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