冷静冷静 是什么意思?Is it like calm down, calm down? 冷静冷静 是什么意思?Is it like calm down, calm down?
2010년 8월 4일 오후 3:16
답변 · 6
"calm down" or "take it easy"
2010년 8월 5일
sometimes it is like calm down, and it also can describe "think over" for example, if your friends are arguing, you can say 冷静冷静, then it means calm down. if you meet a ticklish matter in your work, you can't settle it now, maybe you will talk to yourself 冷静冷静,then it means calm down and let me think it over.
2010년 8월 5일
Quiet, peaceful mood to
2010년 8월 5일
Yes. it's for casual chat, notice that it's repeat of "冷静" which already means calm down or take it easy. You can also say "冷静一下" or "冷静点".
2010년 8월 5일
it's for casual chat~just means calm down or control yourself when others are humorsome or excited.it's used for joke and fun not for the situation in which someone really gets angry.
2010년 8월 4일
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