English#3 How to use: "Kindly" and "Please"
2010년 8월 31일 오전 3:05
답변 · 11
1. Kindly-In a kind manner; congenially; with good will; with a disposition to make others happy, or to oblige. Kindly remove your hat when you enter the church. Kindly put up your tray tables and raise your seat backs to prepare for landing. 2. Kindly-pleasant and agreeable; "a kindly climate"; "kindly breeze" adv : in a kind manner or out of kindness; "He spoke kindly to the boy"; "she kindly overlooked the mistake You will rarely hear kindly. Most of the time, you may use please. Please remove your hat when you enter the church. Please put up your tray tables and raise your seat backs to prepare for landing.
2010년 8월 31일
When you describe someone,you can say:Annie is very kind.(kind is an adj) You can put"Please"in front of your sentence or at the end of your sentence too.For example:Please come here\Come here,please.
2010년 8월 31일
to me, they both express politeness but "kindly" shows more friendly feelings. "please" is a bit asking or requesting in a most polite way. more often than not, "please" is used based on the given rules, conduct or etiquettes. In a library for instance, one significant rule is maintaining the silence so you will notice sign boards on the wall saying: "Please Keep Silence" (and not 'Kindly Keep Silence'). on the other hand, when we are using "kindly", we are establishing a friendly conversation with someone. It is important to know that someone who will do a favor to you, will do it not just because they are obliged to obey you, but they are happily doing it. :)
2010년 8월 31일
Both are polite ways of requesting something from someone. It is more common to use 'Please' while speaking and 'Kindly' while writing to someone. 'Please' is a direct way of requesting for something. 'Kindly' is a more indirect form of request, wherein you are appealing to someone's 'Kindness'. 1. Harry, could you please complete my homework? Harry, would appreciate it if you could kindly help me complete my homework 2. Please help me meet my targets Kindly help me meet my targets Cheers.
2010년 8월 31일
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