Any difference between "pleasant" and "pleasing" as an adjective?
2010년 9월 3일 오전 3:01
답변 · 3
PLEASANT 1. enjoyable: bringing feelings of pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfaction We spent a very pleasant evening together. 2. good-natured: friendly, kind, or good-natured PLEASING 1. appealing: pleasant or attractive It's not very pleasing to the eye. 2. satisfying: welcome or satisfying She has made pleasing progress in the last few weeks. hope that answers you question !! :)
2010년 9월 4일
"her pleasing smile gives me a pleasant experience." my idea is that, 'pleasing' - the adjective ending in "ing" (participle adjective) deals more of our emotion / feelings - causes us to interact. what does her smile brought you? 'pleasant' on the other hand, merely describe the attribute of the noun. how do you describe the experience of seeing her smile? :)
2010년 9월 3일
She had a pleasant personality. The student tried pleasing the teacher by doing his homework every night.
2010년 9월 3일
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