Good Question!
There are 4 words:
发觉 frequently use
发觉到 frequently use (发觉 and 发觉到 are similar)
觉出 also common
觉出到 seldom
In your case, I think you can't say 觉出到 or 觉出。
I think maybe because of 出,through things、phenomenon to feel or discover out :
1.sense of organism 初秋,尽管还残暑依存,但从夜风中我能觉出凉凉丝意。
2.some special or not obvious information.
For example, Q: 你觉出什么不对劲的苗头了吗?A:不对劲?我没有觉出到啊!(哈哈,这句话对老外来说肯定很难,笑)
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