Don't take it personal It's a song of Monica. "Don't take it personal" It's just one of them days, when I wanna be all alone It's just one of them days, when I gotta be all alone It's just one of them days, don't take it personal I just wanna be all alone, and you think I treat you wrong ........ I can't catch the meaning of "don't take it personal"
2010년 9월 26일 오후 4:33
답변 · 7
"Don't take it personal" is bad English. It should be "personally", not "personal".
2010년 9월 28일
It literally means "别放在心上".
2010년 9월 27일
It has nothing to do with you... when I want to be all alone it's because of me. Because I feel like being alone and not because I don't want to be with you. Something like that ^^
2010년 9월 26일
similar to"please don't be offended"
2010년 9월 26일
If you take something personally, you feel offended by something: 'Don't take my remarks personally.'
2010년 9월 26일
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