What's mean of the"Dougie"? Today i get listenning the song"Teach me how to dougie".The song is nice,but i don't know what's mean of it.i had turned to the dictionary,however ,i couldn't find it on ditionary.
2010년 10월 5일 오전 5:36
답변 · 4
HAHAHAHAHAHA Teach me how to "Dougie" is a dance lol This song was by Cali Swag District, I think if you watch the music video you'll see the dance. Theres a link below where Cali Swag District shows you the dance move lol enjoy
2010년 10월 7일
The term "dougie" derives from the name of 80's early 90's Hip Hopper Doug-E- Fresh. It means to have a cool or hip style.
2010년 10월 5일
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