bumper sticker 是什么意思,有老套的意思吗 出现在对话中 A:There is no reason I couldn't find happiness with someone else. B:There you go. A:This could be the beginning of the rest of my life B:A bit of a bumper sticker, but sure, why not?
2010년 12월 5일 오전 5:52
답변 · 3
bumper sticker is a sticker that is often stuck to a car's back bumper
2010년 12월 5일
Or rather, he thinks that it sounds a little cliché
2010년 12월 5일
I think the person is trying to say that "This could be the beginning of the rest of my life " sounds like something that would be written on a bumper sticker, which is a sticker placed on the bumper of a car for other drivers to look at. I think he is trying to say that her statement sounds a bit cheesy.
2010년 12월 5일
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