Long or short vowel sound : apple /bubble/table/bottle/needle/middle. How can I tell the difference? Thanks :)
2010년 12월 19일 오후 4:22
답변 · 5
Hamsa There is a spelling rule for words ending in a consonant + le Words ending in -le The vowel sound is SHORT when there are two consonants between the vowel and the -le. li tt le ha nd le ti ck le a mp le a pp le bo tt le pu zz le cru mb le a ng le bu bb le mi dd le The sound is LONG when there is only one consonant before 'le" bugle able poodle needle idle people table
2010년 12월 19일
Apple is with a short A Table is with a long A Bubble is with a short U BOttle is with a short O Needle is with a long E Middle is with short I It is on how you pronounce the words. It is roughly like this ..........................................A.......E.......I........O.......U Short Vowel Long Vowel Sounds:.....ey........i.......ay.....ow.....yu By just reading the letters that way and having now idea how it is properly pronounced, you will not know whether it is long or short. But we use symbols to indicate the correct pronunciation of the words
2010년 12월 19일
Any dictionary will explain this to you. Try the next time you are puzzled. Also
2010년 12월 19일
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