请问一下,有be ready for doing sth 这种用法吗?请给我一个准确的答案,因为我在网上搜了一下,大部分都是说是be ready for sth,但我还是看到个别的be ready for doing
2010년 12월 20일 오전 6:07
답변 · 9
It's just "be ready (infinitive)", as in, "let's get ready to go", or "let's get ready to eat", or "I am ready to leave", or even "be ready to go in five minutes" which would be a command.
2010년 12월 20일
I think the difference is that for 'be ready for doing something' the emphasis is on the verb. eg: I'm ready for going skating. I'm ready for doing some study now. If you say 'be ready for something' the emphasis is on the noun. eg: I'm ready for the party. I'm ready for the wedding now. etc.
2010년 12월 21일
be ready for doing 是 be ready for sth 中的一种特别形式。这里的do是代指动词。所以doing的意思实际上是 v.+ing。而动词v.加ing就是名词。比如,动词read,读,加ing就是名词reading,阅读。walk,走;walking,散步。 所以以上两种都是对的 ,可以这么写 be ready for sth(doing/v.+ing ,n.)
2011년 10월 22일
As soon as you find they are actually exactly the same, you'll get over the grammar barriers.
2010년 12월 20일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!