2011년 2월 15일 오후 4:43
답변 · 2
add fuel,bread in front,your mother is waiting for you,mind your legs,speed up,more strength please,quick,or you will be beaten,you lazy tortoise or something i can guess such as killing spree,whole shit,like eat a shit,bulls chasing you,be striken by a donkey in the back,like headless bears rushing around, i believe the expression is a lot while only a little can be used.
2011년 2월 16일
I guess the closet one is "come on"? Not said like the cheer square(?)s though, usually person-to-person. "You can do it", "good job", "keep up the good work", etc.
2011년 2월 15일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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