What's the difference between "I'm good at that." and "I'm good with that."?
2011년 2월 23일 오후 7:37
답변 · 22
I think that the difference is about the object of what you are good at/with. If it is a verb, you will use at. For example you are good at playing poker (not with playing poker), you are good at cooking pasta (not with cooking pasta). In general if it is a noun you will use with. For instance I could say I am not good with words, or with numbers (and not at words or at numbers). I hope it helps!
2011년 2월 23일
I'm really surprised with the answers to "I'm good with that." This is a slang which means you are okay with the method or what's being suggested. Example: Are you good with the small sized Coke or do you want to go with the larger one? "I'm good with the small size."
2011년 2월 24일
When you say "I'm good at that" that means you are doing good something, but "with that" means you have a good relation to something.
2011년 2월 23일
I will be ok
2019년 12월 13일
I been through alot
2019년 12월 13일
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