In plural, is it "points of views", "points of view" or "point of views"?
2011년 3월 13일 오후 3:00
답변 · 4
"points of view"
2011년 3월 13일
Points of view is the correct one. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/point-of-view The rule of thumb is that the noun gets pluralized. The noun here is "point" and "of view" is the adjectival clause. example. "son-in-law" which becomes "sons-in-law"
2011년 3월 13일
"Points of view." See it as if the "view" were the source of your "points". Like "pieces of cake."
2011년 3월 13일
Three of them are correct. It depends on the meaning.
2011년 3월 13일
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