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Is it correct to say ''God bless you'' or ''May God bless you''? Or both are correct? Thanks alotttt ^^
2011년 4월 13일 오후 6:28
답변 · 8
It is correct to use both! However 'May god bless you' is more often used in greeting cards or as a bible quote,while 'god bless you' is used in normal speech.
2011년 4월 13일
I agree, we can use both, and it is used by many religions
2011년 4월 13일
Both are acceptable in different instances. "God bless you" (as an example) is used when someone sneezes, etc. "May God bless you" would be utilized as a personal blessing towards someone that is trying to accomplish a feat, etc.
2011년 4월 14일
Good. I think it is a pray and it should be "May God Bless You". It is quoted in most of the religions.
2011년 4월 13일
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