How do you use rise,raise,arise,arouse?
2011년 4월 25일 오후 11:12
답변 · 5
Rise: Something rises ,it moves upward The sun rises every morning. Raise: If you raise something ,it moves to a higher position.It 'rises' ,because you 'raise' it. He raised his hand to wave ( His hand rose ) He raised the glass to his lips ( The glass rose to his lips) Arise: When someone arises it refers to the act of getting out of bed in the morning. He arose at 6 am in the morning. When you arise from a sitting or kneeling position , you stand up. "He arose from the chair. In an abstract sense it refers to something ,a circumstance or a problem that starts to exist and people become aware of it. This kind of music arouse in the late 90's When the opportunity arises .. Arouse: If something arouses a certain feeling ,reaction or attitude in people , it causes this feeling ,atttitude to materialize and happen. "Long walks might arouse the appetite." " He aroused my curiosity to ask him about her." "They left the place early in the morning for not arousing any suspicion." "being aroused' by something has a particular meaning of being sexually excited or stimulated.
2011년 4월 25일
I suggest looking them up in
2011년 4월 26일
a trick here. People or things rise/arise spontaneously, whereas they raise or arouse others.
2021년 3월 6일
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