Gonzalo Madrid
전문 강사
Is there a technical or legal difference between jail and prison? Is the word jail used outside of the USA? Thanks
2024년 9월 13일 오전 5:30
답변 · 4
Jail (or gaol) and prison are absolute synonyms in the UK. I'd say prison is more common these days but that might just be my perception.
2024년 9월 14일 오전 7:16
In the US they are different, but not always used differently depending on the speaking context. Jail is where someone goes when they are first arrested or if they are convicted of a minor crime. Prison is where someone goes when they are convicted of a more serious crime. Going to jail won’t necessarily be on your record, but going to prison would be. In everyday speech, jail and prison are used kind of interchangeably. I can use jail to mean prison, but it would be sort of weird to use prison to mean jail.
2024년 9월 13일 오전 8:16
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