When someone is pouring wine and asks “Say when? ”how to answer? Could I answer “now”?is that common?
2024년 5월 18일 오전 6:21
답변 · 9
You say “when” lol and they will stop pouring. If it feels silly to you to say when you can just say “that’s enough” or “stop”
2024년 5월 18일
Jokingly you could say ‘when’, but I do wonder what people would say too
2024년 5월 18일
Hi Mia! Great question! I agree with the comments below. You can say 'when' (if you're joking around). It's most common to say things like: ⭐️That's great thanks ⭐️That's enough thanks ⭐️Great, thank you! (the person will understand you mean stop) ⭐️That's enough thank you ⭐️Fill her up to the top! (Don't stop until you have filled the glass completely 🥴️🥴️🤪🍷🍷
2024년 5월 18일
I like to say "that's perfect, thank you"
2024년 5월 19일
I say "let me pour it myself" because I don't trust anyone to stop when I say "when" or "now" or whatever.
2024년 5월 18일
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