Do you tip in Starbucks in the US? A question to Americans who live in the USA. Do you tip at Starbucks?
2024년 5월 15일 오후 12:53
답변 · 14
No, not typically. I think a good rule of thumb is that if you order your food standing up and it’s have to you over the counter (Starbucks, any kind of fast food or convenience store, and even most bars) tipping should not be expected. Of course if you feel like tipping then that’s fine.
2024년 5월 15일 오후 11:35
I do. I generally tip at any coffeeshop if there is a visible "tip jar" to put the tips in. Even if I am paying with a credit card, I usually tip with cash, rather than on the card. You will probably get varying answers. There was a long, long discussion about tipping in a finance forum and opinions vary widely. In the United States we are suffering from "tip fatigue" because almost every place encourages you to add a tip when you put your card in the terminal. Virtually everyone tips at sit-down restaurants. There is evolving debate on where else you "should" tip. When in doubt, I generally tip.
2024년 5월 15일 오후 2:22
Depends on your generosity ;)
2024년 5월 16일 오전 3:43
Not I. I do not like the way they brazenly confront you with a tip request the moment they take your order. They are right there looking. It's humiliating.
2024년 5월 15일 오후 10:54
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