what is the difference between (rich) and (wealthy)?
2024년 5월 16일 오후 6:15
답변 · 16
In etiquette, people preferred to be called wealthy and not rich.
2024년 5월 17일
Wealth is not about money It's about living a fulfiling life,doing what you love and making a positive impact on others Rich is a power based on many
2024년 5월 17일
Rich people may focus more on spending and maintaining a certain lifestyle, while wealthy people may prioritize accumulating assets that produce income or appreciate in value
2024년 5월 17일
커뮤니티 가이드라인을 위반한 콘텐츠입니다.
2024년 5월 17일
Wealthy has its origins in the idea of well-being and health. Rich has its origins in the idea being strong or powerful. Both refer to someone having a lot of money (or wealth or riches). If you are describing someone that has a lot of money both rich and wealthy will make the point equally well. Possibly due to its association with well-being and health people often prefer to be described as wealthy rather that rich. - Someone that has a lot of money is often described as 'well-off'. - Something that has a large quantity of something considered good is described as having 'a wealth' of that thing. For example: 'these books contain a wealth of information'. (But you would never refer to these things as 'wealthy') - Food that has a lot of oil, butter or cream is described as 'rich'. (Usually as a mild criticism, as in 'it's nice but too rich for me' or 'be careful, it's very rich').
2024년 5월 17일
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