전문 강사
I had my pelvic bones reset at the osteopathic clinic. I really can't read this sentence. Especially these two words pelvic bones and osteopathic clinic. In Japanese, super simple, 整骨院で骨盤矯正しました。 せいこついんで こつばんきょうせい しました。 For many years, I have been wanting to improve my English but it is not easy to find a suitable time to find a teacher on my budget. This made me realize I am so blessed to have my old students who make time for my Japanese lessons.
2024년 9월 29일 오후 2:58
댓글 · 3
You pronounced "pelvic bones" and "osteopathic clinic" pretty well. Repetition and listening to the words said over and over will help you say it more naturally and confidently.
2024년 9월 30일