I don’t know when to use respond and response in a sentence, can someone give me some sentence examples to understand ?
2025년 1월 5일 오후 5:52
답변 · 7
Sure! Here's the difference: * Respond is a verb (an action). * Response is a noun (a thing). Examples: 1. She didn’t respond to my email. (action) 2. I’m still waiting for her response. (thing) 3. Please respond quickly to the question. 4. His response was both thoughtful and clear. Hope that helps! 😊
2025년 1월 6일 오전 2:18
Respond is the verb. Response is thr noun. Can you respond to me please? Thank you for your nice response!
2025년 1월 5일 오후 5:55
I'm happy to respond. I'm happy to give you a response. I don't mind responding. I don't mind posting a response. Will you respond back. Will we correspond for long. Will we exchange responses. Are we both responsible?
2025년 1월 6일 오전 9:11
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