"I'd appreciate you helping me to a better place." I heard this in a videogame. I think 'go' or 'get' must be added between 'me' and 'to'. Maybe the speaker made a mistake of leaving it out? The speaker was a British and the year was 1918. Was it acceptable and common to leaving it out at that time in the UK?
2024년 10월 10일 오전 7:49
답변 · 5
Actually this strikes me as a modern way of putting it, it's certainly not old-fashioned. There are a lot of phrases like this: Help me to a seat Help me up Help me into the car It's very common.
2024년 10월 10일 오전 11:53
The sentence is clear as is. Adding ‘go’ or ‘get’ are two of many possible alternate wordings, but not required.
2024년 10월 10일 오전 8:52
The speaker was British/ a British person/ a Briton. Was it acceptable to leave it out
2024년 10월 10일 오전 8:51
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