우즈베키스탄어 강사 Madina


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
I am a native Uzbek and Russian speaker.
시작 우즈베키스탄우즈베키스탄, Buchara 거주 중 (08:53 UTC+05:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2022년 Sep 15일
흥미로운 주제역사읽기영화건강여행
Hi! My name is Madina. I am a native speaker of two languages, Russian and Uzbek. I can speak English as well. I am here to teach you Uzbek and Russian. *** I teach only women and children***

우즈베키스탄어 강의

시범 수업
2개 강의 완료됨
USD 8.00+
Speaking practice - Разговорная практика
A1 -  B2

회화 연습

247개 강의 완료됨
USD 9.00+
Uzbek for beginners - Узбекский для начинающих
A1 -  B2


440개 강의 완료됨
USD 9.00+
Advanced Literature & Research
B2 -  C2


466개 강의 완료됨
USD 58.00

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)

95개의 평가

학생 Elise Brittain
Elise Brittain
70개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
강사님의 선택
My lessons with Madina have continued to be excellent! She is always on time and prepares excellent materials that are appropriate to my level and needs. Not only that, but the materials she brings to the lessons are interesting and engaging, and our topics of conversation in Uzbek are motivating and help me feel like I am conversing authentically in the target language. Madina is able to balance professionalism while building a good rapport; I feel like I am learning with someone who values learning about me and my ideas. This really enhances my ability to learn and feel comfortable using Uzbek. Thank you, Madina!
2023년 5월 29일
학생 Stephan Logister
Stephan Logister
43개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
강사님의 선택
Thanks Madina. I enjoy a lot your classes. They are motivating and have a nice mix of exercises, gramar, reading and listing. She always prepares very well the class and leaves at the end amazing class notes that really helps when reviewing and practicing the topics. She helps me to improve my Russian and to start with the first steps in Uzbek. I highly recommend to try a class.
2023년 1월 18일
학생 ⭐️ Ryan Wonder
⭐️ Ryan Wonder
14개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
강사님의 선택
Once again, a very positive experience with Madina. I learnt a lot despite not having done my homework properly. She is fun but serious at the same time, she makes sure that we are studying fast enough and not just kidding around. Thank you and see you in two days :-) I recommend!
2022년 11월 25일
학생 Juliya Berets
Juliya Berets
2개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
очень понравился урок. будем двигаться дальше
2024년 8월 27일
학생 Laura Osterman
Laura Osterman
34개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
Madina is a great teacher! she is patient, encouraging, and organized. She is demanding, in a good way, and I feel very comfortable with what she asks of me. I enjoy our lessons and look forward to them.
2024년 7월 31일
학생 Kathryn Ryder
Kathryn Ryder
10개의 우즈베키스탄어 강의
Excellent lesson as always.
2024년 5월 6일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.