일본어 강사 Taka∞


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
I am not a professional teacher👨‍🏫, but I am a professional single👑 Please use camera🙏🎥 JOJO🔥
시작 일본일본, Other 거주 중 (14:39 UTC+09:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2021년 Nov 19일
흥미로운 주제스포츠패션 및 뷰티영화예술환경 및 자연
みなさんこんにちは。私(わたし)の名前(なまえ)はタカです。タカと呼(よ)んでください。私は宮城県(みやぎけん)の仙台(せんだい)に住(す)んでいます。ファッション業界(ぎょうかい)に長(なが)く勤(つと)めていました。趣味(しゅみ)は映画(えいが)を(み)ること、サッカーをすることですが、今一番(いまいちばん)楽(たの)しんでいることは言語(げんご)を学(まな)ぶことです。ちなみに私も英語(えいご)とスペイン語とセルビア語を毎日(まいにち)学んでます。私は新(あた)らしい人(ひと)に会(あ)って、その人について知(し)ることが好(す)きです。 だから、みなさんのことを教(おし)えてください。好きなアニメはJOJOです。 Hi everyone. My name is Taka. Please call me Taka. I live in Sendai. I have worked in the fashion industry for a long time. My hobbies are watching movies and playing soccer, but what I enjoy the most is learning languages, just like you. By the way, I'm learning English, Spanish and Serbian every day. I like to meet new people and learn about them. So I want to get to know you.

일본어 강의

시범 수업
243개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
Informal Tutoring (free conversation)
A1 -  C2


4,008개 강의 완료됨
USD 11.00+
패키지(10% 할인가)
👑Takaと 100回以上のレッスンを したことのある生徒さん限定👑 ⚠⚠⚠Students who have not completed 100 lessons with me cannot buy.
B1 -  C2


169개 강의 완료됨
USD 11.00+
패키지(15% 할인가)
🔥Sparta 真剣勝負🔥 Only for N1-N2 level
C1 -  C2

회화 연습

0개 강의 완료됨
USD 20.00+

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
팟캐스트 (35)

337개의 평가

학생 Aiden
162개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
タカ先生 is honestly the best. He is so easy to talk to and it makes every lesson just fly by. I've been doing 5 lessons a week with Taka for some time now and it makes Japanese learning feel so natural. I've learned a ton of actual conversational Japanese rather than what I learned from reading textbooks like Genki. Can't say enough good things, its just an all around good experience. Fully plan on continuing the rest of my Japanese journey with Taka. 相変わらずありがとうございます。来週の授業を楽しみにしています。
2024년 6월 29일
학생 Martin
350개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
I've been studying 5 days a week for the past few months with Taka-sensei. Every lesson we have fun and interesting conversations during which Taka-sensei teaches me how to express myself naturally. In my opinion Taka-sensei has an outstanding talent for leading a conversation and coming up with interesting topics to talk about, as well as leading his students to come up with interesting things to talk about. Even after a hundred lessons we are not running out of things to talk about and I can continue to improve my speaking skills while having nice conversations. Taka-sensei is an open-minded guy with an international mindset, so you can feel free to talk about anything that comes to mind or that you take an interest in and feel like sharing. During my time in Japan he recommended me a lot of interesting places to go and foods to try, so if your traveling to Japan, try to talk to him about the things your interested in. Taka-sensiこれからもよろしくお願いします。
2023년 9월 6일
학생 Anton
133개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
Taka was my first Japanese teacher through Italki, and since the first lesson, I have never even considered trying to find another teacher. He consistently makes the classes fun while making it specific to my own interests. After meeting with him frequently over the past year and a half I can confidently recommend him as the perfect teacher to anyone interested in learning Japanese, regardless of level. 私の日本語はタカのおかげです。
2023년 5월 2일
학생 Brian Wiles
Brian Wiles
29개의 일본어 강의
Another amazing lesson from Taka-san, thank you!
2024년 9월 19일
학생 Norwood Leung
Norwood Leung
50개의 일본어 강의
Great class as usual
2024년 9월 17일
학생 Norwood Leung
Norwood Leung
50개의 일본어 강의
Good Class. Sharing experiences each other.
2024년 8월 26일
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.