Fa un temps vaig viure a Irlanda, i aquesta experiència em va canviar la vida. Gràcies a aquesta vivència, vaig descobrir una nova faceta en mi que m’ha portat cap a l’ensenyament d’idiomes. 😊
Hace un tiempo viví en Irlanda, y esa experiencia me cambió la vida. Gracias a esta vivencia, descubrí una nueva faceta en mí que me ha llevado a la enseñanza de idiomas. 😊
I lived in Ireland a while ago, and this experience changed my life. Thanks to this I could discover a new facet in me that has helped me learn languages. 😊
지도 경험
Com a professora d’idiomes, em veig com una persona apassionada per la comunicació i l’aprenentatge. La meva experiència en el món del lleure infantil, juvenil i adult m’ha proporcionat una base sòlida per connectar amb els alumnes i crear un ambient positiu a l’aula.
As a language teacher, we see a person passionate about communication and learning. The experience in the world of children's, youth and adult language has provided a solid foundation to connect both students and create a positive classroom environment.
내 강의 및 지도 스타일
La part oral és la meva passió. M’agrada crear situacions reals perquè els alumnes practiquin l’idioma. Imagino que estic al costat d’un cafè a París, o que navego per les aigües cristal·lines de les illes gregues, tot mentre parlem sobre el temps o la vida quotidiana. La conversa és la clau per desbloquejar les portes de la fluïdesa.
The oral part is my passion. I like to create real situations for students to practice the language. I imagine that I am sitting next to a coffee in Paris, or that I am sailing in the crystal clear waters of the Greek islands, all while we talk about the weather or everyday life. Conversation is the key to unlocking the doors of fluency.
내 수업 자료
비디오 파일
이미지 파일
기사와 뉴스
ELE - Instituto Cervantes - 2024
자격증 확인 완료
C2 - Secretaria de política lingüística - 2023
자격증 확인 완료
강의 경험
2016 - 2018
clases particulares a niñosTusclasesparticulares - 스페인
2014 - 2019
학사 - HumanitatsUAB
카탈로니아어 강의
시범 수업
12개 강의 완료됨
USD 7.00+
Catalan lessons
A1 - C1일반106개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
패키지(14% 할인가)
Conversational class
A1 - C1일반2개 강의 완료됨
USD 10.00+
수업 가능한 시간
회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
7개의 평가
1개의 카탈로니아어 강의
Mireia was super lovely in this lesson :) kind and open, and uses good materials to gauge level from the beginning.
2024년 12월 31일
Maureen M.
4개의 카탈로니아어 강의
Excellent lesson. We discussed an article about Albania. I will rebook as I'm hoping to reach the next level.
2024년 7월 9일
Igor Merck
39개의 카탈로니아어 강의
Mireia is a very professional teacher. She prepared me from zero to A2 in only one month for the Catalan exam organized by the Generalitat of Catalonia. I strongly recommend her Catalan and Spanish (Castellano) lessons and appreciate her a lot for her very professional and useful lessons.
Mireia es una profesora muy profesional. Me preparó desde cero hasta A2 en solo un mes para el examen de catalán organizado por la Generalitat de Cataluña. Recomiendo encarecidamente sus clases de catalán y español (castellano) y le agradezco mucho por sus lecciones tan profesionales y útiles.
La Mireia és una professora molt professional. Em va preparar des de zero fins a A2 en només un mes per a l'examen de català organitzat per la Generalitat de Catalunya. Recomano molt les seves classes de català i castellà (espanyol) i li agraeixo molt les seves lliçons tan professionals i útils.
2024년 7월 5일
8개의 카탈로니아어 강의
Excellent instructor!
2024년 7월 2일
3개의 카탈로니아어 강의
Mireia is a very caring, kind and patient teacher. She organises the class with my needs in mind. I enjoy the class and I appreciate her help. I look forward to the next lesson. Thank you.
2024년 3월 25일
3개의 카탈로니아어 강의
I enjoyed by class very much with Mireia. She is very calm, patient and thorough. During the class we started to read a book, looking at my pronunciation, reviewing grammar / subjuntivo and learning new vocabulary. I look forward to the next lesson.