일본어 강사 Hiromi.K


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
今日(きょう)は 何(なに)を 話(はな)しましょうか。 What would you like to talk about today?
시작 일본일본, Other 거주 중 (12:41 UTC+09:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2024년 May 5일
흥미로운 주제읽기환경 및 자연패션 및 뷰티음식게임
I'm a Japanese and speak standard Japanese. I am a mother of two. So I'm very patient and a good listener. I like learning language, reading and stretching. I also enjoy going around to find delicious bakeries and seeing the beauty of nature. 私は日本で生まれ育った日本人です。標準語を話します。 子どもが二人いる母親です。とても辛抱強く、話をよく聞きます。 語学や読書、そしてストレッチが好きです。それからパン屋めぐりや自然の中で過ごすことも好きです。

일본어 강의

시범 수업
0개 강의 완료됨
USD 7.00+
🗣️ 日常会話 ( Daily Japanese Conversation )
A2 -  B2

회화 연습

11개 강의 완료됨
USD 8.00+
패키지(20% 할인가)
📚【 GENKI げんき Ⅰ - 第三版】 を使 (つか )うクラス We use [GENKI Ⅰ- third edition- ] in this class
A1 -  B1


0개 강의 완료됨
USD 7.00+
패키지(20% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
퀴즈 (11)

6개의 평가

학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hiromi-san, we had a great class just now. This time, same as before, the conversation organically went its own course. We ended up talking about topics like food, history and culture, travel, etc. This class flew by very quickly - I had a lot of fun. Thank you for making it so enjoyable, I'm looking forward to more classes in the future.
2024년 10월 17일
학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hiromi-san, we had a great class earlier today. This time we talked about traveling experiences and travel plans, talked a little about myths and legends, etc. I appreciate you explaining expressions and words I didn't know, I will try to work on them in the near future. Thank you for making this class that much fun, I'm looking forward to more classes in the future.
2024년 10월 7일
학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
강사님의 선택
Hiromi-san, we had a great first class. We talked about a number of very different things today including geography, history, culture and many others. I appreciate you sending me words/expressions that I had a problem with - now I have a number of new vocabulary to work on. Thank you for making our class so much fun, I'm looking forward to our next class.
2024년 10월 4일
학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
Hiromi-san, we had another great class today. This time we spoke about travel, school systems, looked at some photos and videos. Thank you for another very fun class, I'm looking forward to more classes in the future.
2024년 10월 15일
학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
Hiromi-san, we had another excellent class just now. As before, we didn't have any special plan for the class and the conversation went its natural course. We talked some more about travel, food, culture differences, interesting nuances in languages, etc. Thank you for making this class as enjoyable as it was, I'm looking forward to more classes in the future.
2024년 10월 11일
학생 Igor
6개의 일본어 강의
Hiromi-san, we had another great class today. This time, same as before, we didn't have a strict agenda and conversation went its natural course. This time we talked about random things including education, language, travel, etc. Thank you for making this class as enjoyable as it was. I'm looking forward to more classes in the future.
2024년 10월 8일
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