시작 케냐알제리, Other 거주 중 (05:43 UTC+01:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2024년 May 22일흥미로운 주제스포츠과학읽기영화작문
My name is Holliness Julai from Kenya it's not until 5 years ago that I discovered I was language enthusiast. Being from Kenya I grew up speaking 3 languages: my tribal language (Taita), Swahili and English. Moving to Algeria for my bachelors degree and being exposed to a new culture and language, brought out the love I never knew I had for languages. I am self taught in almost all the languages I currently speak, that is French, Portuguese and Arabic. African languages are an area of great interest to me, as a Bantu speaker it is always amazing to see how I and other Bantu speakers who aren't necessarily Swahili speakers are able to understand one another.