강사님의 선택
I highly recommend Giulio's series of lessons on the subjunctive (il congiuntivo). He gives you an overview of all four subjunctive tenses then, in successive lessons, takes you through their different and varying uses. The subjunctive is used all the time in conversational Italian, from forming opinions to expressing hypothetical situations to creating two-part sentences that begin with phrases like "Even though..." or "Provided that...". Giulio uses easy-to-understand charts, gives you practical fill-in-the-blank exercises, and has you practice the new structures in conversation with him. All the lesson notes are recorded in a shared Google doc that you and he write in, and add to with each successive lesson. He is a great listener with infinite patience and has a gift for explaining complicated things with clarity and humor. I always look forward to his lessons because I know I'll end up in a good mood, feeling better about my ability to express myself in Italian.
2020년 9월 8일