2017 - 현재
High School Teacher 澳洲高中老師Victorian Department of Education - Melbourne, 오스트레일리아
2010 - 2017
Private tutorChinese and English - Hong Kong, 홍콩I have taught one-on-one and small classes in primary and high schools. I am able to teach students at different age groups and language levels.
2014 - 2014
Tutor小博士教室 Dr Kids Education Centre Hong Kong - Kowloon, 홍콩Assisted secondary and primary students to do homework
2015 - 2015
Chinese and English tutorOur Lady's College - Kowloon, 홍콩Maintained discipline in accordance with the school’s procedures and encouraging good practice with regard to punctuality, behaviour, standards of work and homework. Adopted a variety of teaching methods to instruct students, demonstrate and give accurate, well paced explanations using appropriate English vocabulary. Used effective questioning, listened carefully to children, gave attention to errors and misconceptions
2017 - 2017
Online Chinese and English Teacher線上中文英文教學老師 - Melbourne, 오스트레일리아Deliver the curriculum caters for students with varying learning styles and ensure best practice in pedagogy. Assign a variety of assessment tasks to students to experience success and accurately assess levels of student achievement. Keep up-to-date with modern teaching practices and technology to enhance learning.
2017 - 현재
21st Century Fox, FOX Networks Group AsiaExecutive Writer/ Professional Translator - Hong Kong, 홍콩Drafted the English and Chinese contents of National Geographic Channel, Star Chinese Channel and 21st Century Fox films. Handled proof-reading and editing of content.
2018 - 현재
High school Teacher (Chinese and English)Australia - Hobart, Tasmania, 오스트레일리아