영어 강사 Chris


전문 강사
지도 언어:
구사 언어
Pronunciation Specialist - Former IT developer, manager, project manager.
시작 캐나다캐나다, Other 거주 중 (10:52 UTC-04:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2018년 Aug 9일
I am a TESL-certified teacher. For many years, I have taught grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking (including pronunciation) to immigrants to Canada. What lessons do I offer? - Pronunciation (I have advanced training in articulatory phonetics and phonology.) - Writing and Grammar - IT Conversation - Job Interview Training NEW STUDENTS: I am not taking new students at the moment.

영어 강의

American Accent/Pronunciation (Phonics/Spelling Patterns, Stress, Intonation, Connected Speech, Reduced Speech)
A1 -  C2


1,690개 강의 완료됨
USD 32.00
패키지(16% 할인가)

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)

863개의 평가

학생 Pavel
24개의 영어 강의
강사님의 선택
At the moment, I'm working on preparing myself for software engineering job interviews, so I need some practice in speaking. Chris is a great choice for me because of his familiarity with software engineering work duties. Usually, we have a great time discussing tough technical topics. I highly recommend him to tech guys like me. Также Крис помог мне подсветить проблемы с произношением некоторых звуков, типичных для русскоговорящих.
2023년 2월 10일
학생 Darya
50개의 영어 강의
강사님의 선택
Lessons with Chris every time is interesting. Usually, we tend to speak either on engineering topics (either common engineering topics for example architecture of new apple chipset M1, or more narrow discussion, for example, today we spoke about chaos monkey testing) or culture topics. Chris is very flexible and can support any chosen topic and share his views. And what is important is he does it in a very polite and supportive form. Дискуссии с Крисом всегда интересны. Обычно у нас получается либо разговор на какую-то инженерную тему (будь то общеинженерная тема, например, архитектура нового чипа M1 от apple, или более узконаправиленная, например, хаос манки тестирование) либо на тему культурных различий. Крис достаточно гибок и может поддержать любую заданную вами тему и поделиться своим мнение. Но и что важно он всегда делает это политкоррекно и тактично.
2021년 8월 13일
학생 Angela Gonzalez
Angela Gonzalez
6개의 영어 강의
Hi is a good teacher
2024년 8월 13일
학생 Lena Ignatovich
Lena Ignatovich
20개의 영어 강의
강사님의 선택
Chris is an excellent teacher with tons of experience. His method of training and clearing my pronunciation really worked!!! And his diverse pool of exercises is super impressive. I strongly feel that there is no such pronunciation problem that he cannot address. I call him a language therapist who helps improve communication skills and confidence. I highly recommend this teacher to those seeking to improve their pronunciation and communicate with confidence. Крис отличный преподаватель для тех, кто хочет улучшить свое произношение и свободнее общаться на английском. Крис использует собственную авторскую методику, по которой вы легко можете отследить свой прогресс и увидеть, что ещё требует тренировки. Мне эти уроки очень помогли избавиться от нескольких супер проблемных звуков, но самое главное - у меня появилась уверенность, когда я говорю на английском.
2022년 11월 17일
학생 Chloe
9개의 영어 강의
Chris is very experienced and patient. I feel I've made progress in his lessons. Thank you!
2024년 11월 6일
학생 Angela Gonzalez
Angela Gonzalez
6개의 영어 강의
I need to improve my pronunciation. Chris identified my areas for improvement and provided a clear plan. The exercises helped me to see my errors and how to improve. Chris is an expert and I recommend him highly.
2024년 8월 7일
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