중국어(북경어) 강사 Deliverance小巫


커뮤니티 튜터
지도 언어:
구사 언어
전문 분야
시험 준비
Mandarin,Cantonese and Hakka teacher(Shenzhen Hakka,similar to HK Hakka)
시작 중국중국, Shenzhen 거주 중 (09:48 UTC+08:00)
자기 소개
italki 강사 시작 연도: 2021년 Jul 22일
흥미로운 주제읽기게임애니메이션 및 만화작문음식
🌈Bachelor degree in Chinese language international education 汉语国际教育学士学位 🌈PSC test (Mandarin test)Level II, Grade A普通话二级甲等 🌈Born and grew up in Guangdong province 在广东出生和长大 🌈Mother language :Hakka(Shenzhen Hakka),Cantonese and Mandarin母语是客家话(深圳)、粤语和普通话 💃I am enthusiastic and love to talk,and I like reading,watching cartoons and movies!If you want to practise your speaking ,reading and listening with me ,I am here for you !

중국어(북경어) 강의

Conversational Practice(Mandarin)
A2 -  C1


92개 강의 완료됨
USD 18.00+
Lesson for new students.Could book once only.
A1 -  C1


2개 강의 완료됨
USD 15.00+
Lesson for HK Children
B2 -  C2


0개 강의 완료됨
USD 18.00+

수업 가능한 시간

회원님의 시간대 기준 (UTC+00:00)
내 창작 콘텐츠
어휘 (2)
퀴즈 (2)

16개의 평가

학생 Laura Green
Laura Green
3개의 중국어(광동어) 강의
강사님의 선택
Deliverance made learning the basics of Cantonese fun with word games! She played close attention to how I used my mouth shapes to pronounce words. She used positive affirmations to reinforce my learnings.
2024년 4월 12일
학생 Roney Lino
Roney Lino
20개의 중국어(북경어) 강의
강사님의 선택
Taking Mandarin lessons with Deliverance has been an incredibly rewarding experience. She exudes enthusiasm in every lesson, which makes learning not only effective but also enjoyable. Her commitment to ensuring that each session is well-prepared is evident, and I particularly appreciate the interesting topics she introduces. Anyone looking for a dedicated and passionate Mandarin teacher should definitely consider Deliverance. Highly recommended!
2023년 8월 6일
학생 Christina Li (李梦圆)
Christina Li (李梦圆)
34개의 중국어(북경어) 강의
강사님의 선택
I have been very much enjoying my lessons with Deliverance小巫! Great energy, and very helpful. 我跟老师上课很愉快!
2021년 10월 18일
학생 Matthew Mo
Matthew Mo
7개의 중국어(하카어) 강의
I think Deliverance is a great teacher! In our Hakka speaking sessions we talk about all sorts of topics from the most complex to just everyday, challenging and stretching my use of Hakka vocabulary and grammar. Overall, I enjoy talking to her and being able to use what I have been self-studying in my free time. Cannot recommend her enough! 我覺得Deliverance是一個非常好的老師!我們聊天的時候是好好,聊不同的東西,再用我語法和單詞。總之,我覺得我用的東西我在自學幫我好多。我會推薦她的介紹!
2024년 10월 13일
학생 Joshua (宋嘉铭)
Joshua (宋嘉铭)
1개의 중국어(하카어) 강의
I didn't come in with too clear a plan myself, but it was good. This is my first time having a Hakka lesson, and I was really happy I found one that spoke essentially the same dialect (惠阳)as I do, with minor vocabulary differences but was easily adjustable. Deliverance was very accommodating and, at times, made some corrections, which were welcome. It was good that most of the time, she let the conversation flow. We naturally went to the topic of Hakka's uniqueness and some nursery rhymes that were all new to me. I loved this suggestion since I mentioned I am teaching my daughter Hakka, so I would love to pass these on as well. Deliverance's enthusiasm during the conversation was also apparent, and I appreciated having such a natural conversation with them. I also have a book recommendation; it is a shame she cannot provide the material; however, I know how difficult it is to source Hakka books or to learn texts. I will look for her suggestion "绘声绘色看方言 客家童谣转外家".
2024년 9월 30일
학생 Robert Oschler
Robert Oschler
2개의 중국어(북경어) 강의
Another wonderful lesson thank you!
2022년 6월 12일
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