내게 가장 잘 맞는 영어 강사님을 찾아보세요
내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 영어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 영어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

1,773회 수업
Jason wan(kid&adult)
🔥Group lesson🔥CTCSOL+TESOL+IPA+Elementary school teacher certificate+ 8 years of experience. 教学中我积累了很多经验。比如困同学们的发音,汉字及声调我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享,在汉字方面,我们可以用中国文化来记忆,比如记住一个大字就可以记住天“夫”,“文”,“央”,“英” 等,在不同的学习方向上,我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享。 I accumulated a lot of experience in the teaching.For Chinese characters, we can use Chinese culture to remember.For pronunciation we will use pronunciation rules and videos to remember.I will make different learning plans for students at different levels. 我的学生都能在在两小时内记住90到160个不认识的单词,而且按照我给的方法复习,很难忘记,对于toeic 500左右的学生,三周内稳定提升100-200分。 My students are able to memorize 90 to 160 completely unknown words in two hours, and review them in the way I gave them, which is very difficult to forget.For students with a toeic score of around 500,a steady improvement of 100-200 scores

2,844회 수업
🏮Selected by italki to teach at Global Polyglot Conference for 2 years🏮 英国前十的布里斯托大学英语教学硕士, 现在定居英国。 I was a school teacher in China🇨🇳 and now am living in the UK🇬🇧. ⭐️ Well-organised, crafted and structured class (click the courses below or contact me to know more) ⭐️ Teach culture alongside language: traditional customs and modern life in China. ⭐️ Various resources are used and recommended: PPT, songs, videos, infographics, games, apps and sites. ⭐️ Direct and efficient. I don’t like to waste your time, so every second in class is for your learning. ⭐ Create your own Word file. ⭐️You will be the centre of the class, not me. ⭐ You will practise a lot and get instant feedback.

478회 수업
Celine 青少综合能力培养/剑桥体系
英语专业硕士/英语八级/国际教师/十年+教学经验/英语教师培训师/原版教材THiNK/Power Up/Reading Explorer/Great Writing/Look/Our World 🔑从事专业英语教育工作超过十年; 🔑 专注原版英语教材研究和实践; 🔑超过5000节+线上课程经验,以及多年的一对一家教工作; 🔑帮助超过1000名儿童、青少年以及成人提高英语水平; 🔑深受学生们的欢迎,在机构教学中,数次加薪,被评为“最受欢迎老师”,“学生续课率最高教师”,“商务英语金牌教师”等; 💘💘学生对我的课程评价: - ‘’庆幸自己给孩子找到了最好的老师,是我做出的最好的决定‘’ - "孩子非常喜欢老师的课,学习有劲头儿" -"跟着Celine老师的安排走,我们很放心" - “老师思路明确,经验丰富,语言表达精准,满意度极高。”; - “多亏Celine老师, 对Annie阅读能力的提升起到了最关键有力的指导. 总之,跟着Celine 老师学,Annie 进步很明显“; - “Celine老师的课是孩子所有课外辅导课中最让人省心的,从来不会担心老师会有所保留或者不尽全力。老师总是为我们的进一步发展做好规划。老师的能力、眼界和心胸真的都太重要了!。”; - ”Celine老师,跟您发个喜报,娃的PET考试顺利通过了🥳🤠 还要多感谢您这一年来给她补习语法和写作,这一年来她的进步还是挺大的。” - “孩子过了KET,差一分卓越,真心地 感谢Celine老师的指导和帮助啊😊!” - “老师很有耐心,复习重点抓重点词汇和发音”; - “老师非常有耐心,完全使用英语教学,对商务英语非常擅长,指点我如何学习英语,如何锻炼自己的语法和发音,非常感谢”。

8,006회 수업
Sherri✨ Kids&Adults
University Chinese teacher in the US✨9 years experience🌍Ed Tech MA⭐️美國大學中文教師✨清華大學碩士🎓專業英文老師/華語老師 💡【Lesson style】 I can teach Chinese for all levels. My teaching style is more interactive and immersion. 📢Please don't say sorry for making mistakes in our lesson, mistakes are important for making progress. ⭐️have experience of working as an elementary school teacher (xi-men primary school) ⭐️experience of being a high school English teacher in Taiwan ⭐️official English teacher's license ⭐️teacher's license of teaching Chinese as a second language (Taiwan Educational ministry) ⭐️In 2019-2020, US college Chinese teacher with the funding of Fulbright.(Western Kentucky University) ⭐️speak Chinese, English and Japanese. ⭐️offer lesson in a wide range of topics from kids to adults

2,361회 수업
Certified TESOL teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience After graduation from university, I went to teach in Bangkok,so I have rich experience in teaching . In order to get international training of tourism and hospitality, I studied tourism and hospitality management in Mahidol University International College. So I have more expertises in cross-cultural communication and international cultural communication. If you are interested in English and Chinese, I can provide more interesting and useful perspectives.

942회 수업
Stefan (IELTS 老师)
Friendly and Professional Teacher (Over 3000 hours of class) 🇬🇧 NATIVE PROFESSIONAL BRITISH TEACHER. 📋 EXPERIENCED 😌 PATIENT 📚 KNOWLEDGEABLE 📝 ON-TIME 🧑🏫 Favourite Teaching Topics: Business, Economy, Travel, Arts, History, Business 🤓 Favourite Hobby: Languages, Sports.

644회 수업
Melo✨Kid 小学生 初中生 高中生
✨ Melo 老师曾担任 VIPKid 教师,🍎 教授过 10,000 多节儿童和成人英语课程。 ✨ 在过去两年里,Melo 老师专注于为 50 多名不同的学生教授 1 对 1 课程。Melody 老师的课程互动性强,引人入胜。她的学生在快乐中学习英语。预约试听课程,亲自体验! 我的学生和家长怎么说: "很喜欢Melo老师,开朗活发有激情,让孩子乐于和老师一起学习,特别能带动孩子的兴趣和情绪,很好的老师" "感觉很好,老师一直笑得很开心,即使孩子上课过程中不懂老师也耐心得很,给予很多鼓励。" ""很高兴能上老师的课,学到了很多新知识,也度过了愉快的半小时,老师的幽默激发了孩子,气氛变得不再紧张。孩子可以放心,大胆的说。期待再次会面!"

537회 수업
5000堂+授課經驗/TESOL認證老師/你最好的學習夥伴-喬安娜幫助已經學英文很久卻苦無成效的成人學生,透過類母語學習法,達到真正開口說英文的目標。 我教英文已經邁入第9年的時間了。 現職線上英語家教,曾任吉的堡全美語班老師,所以無論是實體或是線上教學都有經驗。 時不時的從事翻譯工作。主要教英文,但是我也可以教中文喔。 I am an online English tutor who has taught English for almost 8 years. I was an English teacher in Kidcastle so I have experience working both online and offline. Mainly, I teach English to Chinese speakers. However, I can also teach Chinese to English speakers. 教學風格: 耐心,上課聽懂最重要,不會的盡量問,老師一定會想辦法解釋到你懂為止 鼓勵,幾歲開始都沒有關係,開始上課就已經打趴一堆人了,相信自己會進步才能真正進步,老師非常勵志會不斷給你信心 有趣,老師很喜感,只要你願意敞開心胸,上課絕對不無聊 糾正發音,運用生活口說讓學生自然記憶,有問題的地方老師都會幫你記下來並教你如何修正,再提供筆記課後複習 因材施教並針對學生弱點進行補強,會教自學方法讓你在課餘時間也能不斷成長,省下很多費用 視學生需求能針對個別項目做指導(發音、文法、聽力、口說等)

122회 수업
Dave K.
TESOL certified teacher with over four years experience! With over four years of experience, I specialize in fluency, accent reduction, Business English, and IELTS/TOEFL speaking/writing preparation. My goal is to help you speak English confidently, whether for personal growth or professional success. I believe in a personalized, supportive approach—tailoring lessons to your unique needs. I see mistakes as valuable learning steps. I’ve worked with students from over 50 countries and love learning about their cultures. Let’s work together to achieve your language goals in a comfortable, mistake-friendly environment! 拥有4年经验,我专注于流利度、口音矫正、商务英语及雅思/托福备考。个性化教学,鼓励试错,助你自信说英语!

20회 수업
Licensed TEFL English and Japanese-speaking multi-lingual teacher in Japan! Why Book Me as Your English/Filipino Teacher? 😊 Patient & Kind – I create a supportive and encouraging learning environment. 🌍 Culturally Aware – Having lived and worked in different countries, I respect and appreciate different perspectives and beliefs. 👂 Great Listener – I take the time to understand my students, ensuring they feel heard and valued. 🎙️ Interactive & Engaging Lessons – I encourage open discussions, making learning enjoyable and meaningful. 🗣️ Clear & Effective Communication – I express my thoughts concisely to keep conversations flowing naturally. 🚀 Focus on Your Growth – My goal is to help you improve with confidence while enjoying the learning process!

920회 수업
Jessica Lai
Multi-lingual: Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Hakka ⚠️⚠️【新生首次订课请先与老师沟通后,再订课!!!】 【教学经验丰富 & 放松的课堂氛围】 感谢您抽出时间阅读这个章节。我是Jessica,一名有5年的教学经验、从2021年8月开始在italki教授英语、普通话、粤语、客家话的多语言老师。 曾经的工作经验让我发散丰富的话题,让学生在课堂上更轻松地探索和分享。恶性的知识喂养的教学方式并不能给学生带来更多知识,这是我一直坚信的教学想法。 【Experienced & Relaxing】 Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. I am Jessica, a multilingual teacher with 5 years of teaching experience, teaching English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hakka in italki since August 2021. My previous work experience has enabled me to spread a wealth of topics, making it easier for students to explore and share in class. Vicious knowledge feeding teaching methods can not bring more knowledge to students, this is the teaching idea that I have always believed.

1,333회 수업
Amanda IELTS
Specialized in IELTS English and Chinese, Graduated from the University of Edinburgh For my students who want to learn Mandarin: I‘ve been teaching on italki for around 3 years, I have long-term students, who learn grammar, oral speaking, HSK with me. Some special offer: ·If you are interested in applying for universities in China, we can also go through the website together. ·If you wanna prepare something for the business school, we can go through different theories and topics together. 想和我学习英文的学生: 在职专业雅思老师,研究生毕业于爱丁堡大学社会学专业,本科毕业于金融学专业。雅思阅读听力8.5. ·教学严谨活泼,提升能力的同时让学生感受到学习语言的趣味,习得感和愉悦感共存。(很适合青少年!不过线上教学,建议孩子在13岁以上) ·有耐心,可以从零基础开始教学。 ·上课有适合学生程度的教材,帮助学生一步步达成目标成绩。

445회 수업
20 + years of teaching experience. Friendly, encouraging class. 1. 20 years experience of teaching English in China 2. 16 months experience of teaching Mandarin in America 3. tutoring experiences of teaching people aging from 7 to 40 4 on- line teaching experience to both Chinese and foreigners

4,429회 수업
🇺🇸➡︎🇯🇵➡︎🇩🇪 PhD🎓in Economics(経済学博士)📚Former college Lecturer(元大学講師・研究員)💼Executive(経営者) 🎉All my students will get 🎁Extra free time (5-10min)➕📝Detailed Study Feedback in PDF format ⭐️Education⭐️ 2018-2021 Ph.D.(博士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2016-2018 M.A. (修士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2011-2015 B.A. (学士)in Financial Engineering, Hokkaido, Japan(日本・北海道) ⭐️Certificates⭐️ TEFL Certification Certified Financial Planner Security Sales Representative Japanese Kanji Educator JLPT N1 level 180/180 J.Test Special A, 1000/1000 ⭐️Service⭐️ Academic English&Japanese✍🏻アカデミック英語・学術日本語 Research&Thesis Writing Guide🧑🏻🏫研究・論文作成指導 Editing&Publication Support📝英文校閲・校正・学術誌投稿支援 Business English&Japanese💼ビジネス英語・日本語 Interview/Presentation Prep👔面接・講演準備 Life counseling🌸人生相談

6,928회 수업
June佳佳 ⭐️Adults
✅5300+ lessons✅Daily topics✅Beginner✅HSK✅Conversational✅Writer (HSK graded articles) 👩🏫 Certification ✅CTCSOL (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) by Confucius Institute Headquarters ✅English Teacher Certification ✅Standard Chinese Proficiency Test Certificate ----------------------- 👩🏫 Experience ✅I have been teaching since 2015. ✅Students: 3~ 60+ years old, both Chinese and foreign students ✅I've taught kids in kindergarten & primary schools, so you can tell that I am very patient. ✅The Chairman's Bao Writer: Write news according to various HSK levels.

8,552회 수업
Gaby Talk Time
Fun, energetic teacher - kids and adults - TEFL certified, over 15,000 online English classes taught It motivates and thrills me when I see that my students are learning. I am a caring and energetic person, who loves to make the classroom a fun place to learn. This is important, because when the classroom is fun, students want to learn more.

3,117회 수업
Isaac Gabriel (艾萨克 )
和我一起提高你的口语和对话技巧 Improve your speaking and conversation skills with me **YOU ARE NOW ABLE TO BOOK A LESSON WITH ME WITH ONLY 2 HOURS OF NOTICE** **您现在只需提前 2 小时通知即可向我预订课程** An enthusiastic English language teacher with a deep passion for literature. I had the pleasure of shaping young minds for the last two years and my teaching philosophy revolves around making lessons enjoyable, tailored to individual needs, and, most importantly, effective. I studied to be an online teacher, and for the last 3 years, this has been my job, which I enjoy very much. 一位热心的英语老师,对文学充满热情。在过去的两年里,我很高兴能够塑造年轻人的思想,我的教学理念围绕着让课程变得有趣,根据个人需求量身定制,最重要的是,有效。 我学习成为一名在线教师,在过去的三年里,这一直是我的工作,我非常喜欢。

拥有超过5年辅助学生备考顺利的karmen老师,专属于你锻炼口语的partner 1. 依学生具体需求,客制化教学计划与内容 2. 在2021年帮助香港多名学生从不及格提高到80分 3. 在2022年帮助内地多初中学生轻松备考,拿到优异成绩。 4. 多年帮助幼儿启蒙教育,如何轻松读绘本与认识基础单字。 5. 帮助多位远在他国的学生学习如何应答生活中的简单对话。

2,317회 수업
Mandy Zhao
I have 3 years of experience in teaching English. And I have got my TEM-8 certificate.

1,378회 수업
Annie 🏝️🐘🦏
Certified teacher with over 12 years of teaching experience. I teach adults and kids! 我教大人和小孩! - Patient - Supportive - Focused on helping you improve your English with quality materials - Create lesson plans suited to individual's goals, interest and style of learning - 病人 - 支持 - 专注于通过优质材料帮助您提高英语水平 - 创建适合个人目标、兴趣和学习风格的课程计划