내게 가장 잘 맞는 영어 강사님을 찾아보세요
내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 영어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 영어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

12.9k회 수업
IELTS Simon • 专家教师
IELTS - TESOL认证雅思培训师 I have taught over 10,000 lessons on italki, and I am skilled in teaching both kids and adults. Under my approach, many of my students have achieved fluency, and excellent scores in standardized tests like IELTS and HSK. I have also researched and self-created contents for over 500+ daily scenarios, each dialogue is specially designed, so grammar structures are taught naturally through the dialogues, to ensure easy understanding. These topics pretty much cover every possible scenario in life, so you can be sure that you would reach a near native level of vocabulary after learning them.

1,773회 수업
Jason wan(kid&adult)
🔥Group lesson🔥CTCSOL+TESOL+IPA+Elementary school teacher certificate+ 8 years of experience. 教学中我积累了很多经验。比如困同学们的发音,汉字及声调我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享,在汉字方面,我们可以用中国文化来记忆,比如记住一个大字就可以记住天“夫”,“文”,“央”,“英” 等,在不同的学习方向上,我都有很多好的学习方法与大家分享。 I accumulated a lot of experience in the teaching.For Chinese characters, we can use Chinese culture to remember.For pronunciation we will use pronunciation rules and videos to remember.I will make different learning plans for students at different levels. 我的学生都能在在两小时内记住90到160个不认识的单词,而且按照我给的方法复习,很难忘记,对于toeic 500左右的学生,三周内稳定提升100-200分。 My students are able to memorize 90 to 160 completely unknown words in two hours, and review them in the way I gave them, which is very difficult to forget.For students with a toeic score of around 500,a steady improvement of 100-200 scores

478회 수업
Celine 青少综合能力培养/剑桥体系
英语专业硕士/英语八级/国际教师/十年+教学经验/英语教师培训师/原版教材THiNK/Power Up/Reading Explorer/Great Writing/Look/Our World 🔑从事专业英语教育工作超过十年; 🔑 专注原版英语教材研究和实践; 🔑超过5000节+线上课程经验,以及多年的一对一家教工作; 🔑帮助超过1000名儿童、青少年以及成人提高英语水平; 🔑深受学生们的欢迎,在机构教学中,数次加薪,被评为“最受欢迎老师”,“学生续课率最高教师”,“商务英语金牌教师”等; 💘💘学生对我的课程评价: - ‘’庆幸自己给孩子找到了最好的老师,是我做出的最好的决定‘’ - "孩子非常喜欢老师的课,学习有劲头儿" -"跟着Celine老师的安排走,我们很放心" - “老师思路明确,经验丰富,语言表达精准,满意度极高。”; - “多亏Celine老师, 对Annie阅读能力的提升起到了最关键有力的指导. 总之,跟着Celine 老师学,Annie 进步很明显“; - “Celine老师的课是孩子所有课外辅导课中最让人省心的,从来不会担心老师会有所保留或者不尽全力。老师总是为我们的进一步发展做好规划。老师的能力、眼界和心胸真的都太重要了!。”; - ”Celine老师,跟您发个喜报,娃的PET考试顺利通过了🥳🤠 还要多感谢您这一年来给她补习语法和写作,这一年来她的进步还是挺大的。” - “孩子过了KET,差一分卓越,真心地 感谢Celine老师的指导和帮助啊😊!” - “老师很有耐心,复习重点抓重点词汇和发音”; - “老师非常有耐心,完全使用英语教学,对商务英语非常擅长,指点我如何学习英语,如何锻炼自己的语法和发音,非常感谢”。

2,226회 수업
CELTA & QTS - Certified Teacher | MA in Language Teaching | Speak 3 Languages | Lived in 5 Countries This past year, I taught English at a summer program at the University of Oxford and Mandarin at one of the best language schools in London. I am friendly, patient, and understand the challenges of language learning firsthand. Therefore, if you are a beginner, I have the materials to support you build a solid foundation of the target language. We will focus on grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary. After the beginner stage, language immersion is key. We will speak in the target language and talk about different topics based on your interest. Real-life materials such as videos and news articles will be provided to expand your vocabulary and make learning more engaging!

1,493회 수업
linguist who speaks 5 languages 🧡 Self-Empowerment & Career Coach •I am patient and encouraging, as I am a long-time language learner myself and put myself into my students' shoes. I ask lots of questions and want you to speak more than me in the lessons :) I believe in your unique power and competence, and I help you discover your own approach and motivation! •I have a holistic approach to language and culture - there are many links between languages, and language is never isolated from culture. Therefore I use scientific principles in linguistics and intercultural communication that are applicable way beyond just Chinese/English. •I think it's very important to have fun while working hard - that's why I use interactive materials like songs, movies etc :)

307회 수업
I have written over 10 books , and have 3 years teaching experience . I am passionate about the Chinese and Persian (Dari) language and that together we can achieve your language learning goals. من تجربه تدریس انلاین وحضوری را در بخش هایی مختلف دارم و شاگردان خارجی قبلا زیاد داشتم. دوست دارم باهم دوست باشیم تا صنف ما خسته کننده نباشد امیدوارم بهترین نتیجه را از صنف من بیگیرید https://www.amazon.com/author/persiandraimaterialsfromsabera

8,002회 수업
Sherri✨ Kids&Adults
University Chinese teacher in the US✨9 years experience🌍Ed Tech MA⭐️美國大學中文教師✨清華大學碩士🎓專業英文老師/華語老師 💡【Lesson style】 I can teach Chinese for all levels. My teaching style is more interactive and immersion. 📢Please don't say sorry for making mistakes in our lesson, mistakes are important for making progress. ⭐️have experience of working as an elementary school teacher (xi-men primary school) ⭐️experience of being a high school English teacher in Taiwan ⭐️official English teacher's license ⭐️teacher's license of teaching Chinese as a second language (Taiwan Educational ministry) ⭐️In 2019-2020, US college Chinese teacher with the funding of Fulbright.(Western Kentucky University) ⭐️speak Chinese, English and Japanese. ⭐️offer lesson in a wide range of topics from kids to adults

1,730회 수업
10 years teaching experience / Phd student in Education · 10 years of language teaching experience, 5 years of online language teaching experience · Provided personalized 1-on-1 Chinese tutoring sessions to over 400 students · Taught C101 (beginner), C201(intermediate), and C401 (intermediate and advanced) at Indiana University by using the textbooks Integrated Chinese and Anything goes · Taught X490 to advanced and superior level Chinese learners, using a self-prepared syllabus · Former head of IU language workshop tutoring program, recruited, managed, and trained over 200 Chinese tutors, and worked with instructors on online teaching activities · IU Chinese Flagship pedagogy specialist

942회 수업
Stefan (IELTS 老师)
Friendly and Professional Teacher (Over 3000 hours of class) 🇬🇧 NATIVE PROFESSIONAL BRITISH TEACHER. 📋 EXPERIENCED 😌 PATIENT 📚 KNOWLEDGEABLE 📝 ON-TIME 🧑🏫 Favourite Teaching Topics: Business, Economy, Travel, Arts, History, Business 🤓 Favourite Hobby: Languages, Sports.

644회 수업
Melo✨Kid 小学生 初中生 高中生
✨ Melo 老师曾担任 VIPKid 教师,🍎 教授过 10,000 多节儿童和成人英语课程。 ✨ 在过去两年里,Melo 老师专注于为 50 多名不同的学生教授 1 对 1 课程。Melody 老师的课程互动性强,引人入胜。她的学生在快乐中学习英语。预约试听课程,亲自体验! 我的学生和家长怎么说: "很喜欢Melo老师,开朗活发有激情,让孩子乐于和老师一起学习,特别能带动孩子的兴趣和情绪,很好的老师" "感觉很好,老师一直笑得很开心,即使孩子上课过程中不懂老师也耐心得很,给予很多鼓励。" ""很高兴能上老师的课,学到了很多新知识,也度过了愉快的半小时,老师的幽默激发了孩子,气氛变得不再紧张。孩子可以放心,大胆的说。期待再次会面!"

34회 수업
TEFL, TESOL认证英语教师——拥有3年英语教学及9年词汇突破经验 我持有TEFL、TESOL和TCSOL等教学资格证书,这些证书为我提供了有效的教学策略。我的学生在学习中取得了显著进步,对自己的能力更加自信。我热衷于培养他们对学习的热爱,并乐于与社区分享我的专业知识! 我曾在澳门的儒林教育集团有限公司教授英语超过一年,期间帮助学生在口语和语法方面取得了显著进步。我的教学重点是培养学生的语言实际应用能力,通过创造互动和参与感,许多学生在真实场景中自信地使用英语,取得了优异的学习成绩。 目前,我是一名在线自由职业者,已教授英语超过3年,积累了将英语融入生活中的丰富教学经验。我始终相信,学以致用才是学习的根本目的,因此语言只有应用起来,才有其真正的价值。

2,925회 수업
Annabel in Canada
大厂指定合作商务英语老师 ♚ 加拿大MBA中国双硕士 ♚ 北美公司运营管理 ♚ 国家高校教师资格证 ♚ 中高级英语口语语法 ➊英语 - 擅长商务英语,中高级对话以及中高级语法教学。 - 本科由英语教育专业毕业,通过英语专业四级TEM-4以及英语专业八级TEM-8。 - 研究生由普通教育学(中国),国际商务管理学MBA(加拿大)毕业。 - 持有中国高等学校教师资格证书,以及多年成人英语培训经验。 - 雅思成绩为阅读9,听力9,口语8,写作8。 - 有丰富的和英语母语的职场人打交道的经验,擅长正式商务对话。 ➋Chinese (Mandarin) - National Mandarin Proficiency Test Certified - National Putonghua (Mandarin) Pronunciation Test Certified - National College and High School Teaching Certified - Years of teaching experience in a classroom environment

20회 수업
Licensed TEFL English and Japanese-speaking multi-lingual teacher in Japan! Why Book Me as Your English/Filipino Teacher? 😊 Patient & Kind – I create a supportive and encouraging learning environment. 🌍 Culturally Aware – Having lived and worked in different countries, I respect and appreciate different perspectives and beliefs. 👂 Great Listener – I take the time to understand my students, ensuring they feel heard and valued. 🎙️ Interactive & Engaging Lessons – I encourage open discussions, making learning enjoyable and meaningful. 🗣️ Clear & Effective Communication – I express my thoughts concisely to keep conversations flowing naturally. 🚀 Focus on Your Growth – My goal is to help you improve with confidence while enjoying the learning process!

1,333회 수업
Amanda IELTS
Specialized in IELTS English and Chinese, Graduated from the University of Edinburgh For my students who want to learn Mandarin: I‘ve been teaching on italki for around 3 years, I have long-term students, who learn grammar, oral speaking, HSK with me. Some special offer: ·If you are interested in applying for universities in China, we can also go through the website together. ·If you wanna prepare something for the business school, we can go through different theories and topics together. 想和我学习英文的学生: 在职专业雅思老师,研究生毕业于爱丁堡大学社会学专业,本科毕业于金融学专业。雅思阅读听力8.5. ·教学严谨活泼,提升能力的同时让学生感受到学习语言的趣味,习得感和愉悦感共存。(很适合青少年!不过线上教学,建议孩子在13岁以上) ·有耐心,可以从零基础开始教学。 ·上课有适合学生程度的教材,帮助学生一步步达成目标成绩。

4,688회 수업
Certified Mandarin and Cantonese Teacher with 7+ years of teaching experience Teaching approach: 🌸I prioritize patience while encouraging my students to speak confidently in either Mandarin or Cantonese. 🌸To facilitate learning, I provide books or study materials along with lesson notes after each session. Additionally, being fluent in English allows for effective communication during lessons. Student outcomes: ✅My instruction focuses on developing proficiency across the four language acquisition skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing). ✅By fostering a love for learning Mandarin or Cantonese within my students, they become more confident users of the language.

3,198회 수업
⭐ Improve speaking, vocabulary, and reading skills! ⭐ Certified & experienced teacher I believe in being: 😊 Friendly ✅ Clear ⭐ Respectful 📘 Prepared ✏️ Your child deserves to learn in an enjoyable, supportive environment. I strive to ensure that each of my students feels valued, comfortable, and at ease. 😊

750회 수업
⭐Momo in NYC
CTCSOL certified; Columbia grad; DELF B2/JLPT N2/IELTS 8.5; customized conversation workshop Hello and welcome; I'm glad to E-meet you on iTalki! I grew up in Shanghai but spent my formative years in the U.S. I have also lived in Japan and Singapore. I'm a very open-minded and naturally curious person. I'm here because I like to talk about different cultures, ways of life, and language learning. I'd also love to learn something from you and about you! ❗Bookings made on behalf of someone else are not accepted, including but not limited to: lesson for your child(ren), client(s), etc. 不可为儿童订课。仅教授订课者本人。 ⭐Please click on the lesson title down below to read the description and see whether it's for you. Don't hesitate to message me should you have any questions. 请下拉点击课程标题阅读课程简介。

3,303회 수업
Zee Chew
8y Translating & Interpreting | Interview, Exam & Presentation Prep| Fun & Constructive Lesson Easy-going, Hilarious and Passionate. Take me as your language buddy. Together, we can acquire languages effectively! International tutoring experiences included: Kids (3-6): Kindergarten Day Care Assistant (Switzerland) Adults (18-70): Social Volunteer (Leeds City Council, UK) 5 years of Online Tutoring My classes are fun and result-driven. Whether you're a sprightly kid or a seasoned adult, I'm here to help you progress steadily. Constructive feedback is welcomed! Bonus: Being multilingual, our lessons might just sprinkle in some exposure to other languages and different cultures if you're up for it!

227회 수업
Teacher Reze
QUALIFIED TEACHER WITH 8+ YEARS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE 🌼👩🏫 🌼👩🏫 I am a PASSIONATE teacher committed to helping each of my students grow in fluency and world knowledge 👩🏫🌼 All courses mentioned are adjusted to students’ needs and requests. I focus on your goals and happiness. WHO I TEACH : 👨👨👧👦 Children from 3 - 12 years old 👩👧👦 Teenagers from 13 - 19 years old 👼 SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN (I have experience with ADHD children and students with leaning disabilities) 👧👨🦱 Adults looking to improve their CONVERSATIONAL English, English for TRAVEL 👸 Moms & stay-at-home moms who want to increase their knowledge of the English language to help their children and keep the consistency from school

1,706회 수업
Crystal Jee
Lawyer / Professional Interview & Preparation / Business Language Expert / IELTS Professional Experience: • Bachelor of Laws (Leeds, United Kingdom) 英国利兹大学法学学士学位 • Admission to the Bar of England and Wales (London, United Kingdom) 格兰和威尔士律师资格考试(伦敦) • Advocate and Solicitor of Malaysia 马来西亚律师公会执业律师 My expertise extends to guiding students through scholarship interviews, law firm vacation schemes, training contracts, job interviews, college/university interviews in the USA or UK, and multinational company interviews. I also provide coaching in business language for success in international workplaces. 我的专长包括指导学生准备奖学金面试、法律事务所实习计划、培训合同和工作面试,以及在美国或英国的大学面试和跨国公司面试。我还提供商务语言辅导,帮助您在国际职场取得成功。