내게 가장 잘 맞는 영어 강사님을 찾아보세요
내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 영어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 영어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

3,535회 수업
⭐Learn with Kim/Kin
🌟🌟 No.1 teacher in 2022💫💫1% Top teacher in 2023.Like your best friend 😄 Immersion 🤗 亲和力满满,经验满满 【熟能生巧】【Practice Makes Perfect】【習うより慣れよ】【배우기보다 익숙해져라】 从学生时代,我已经开始教来自不同文化的学生。,而且我在中国、日本、印度尼西亚和韩国都教过。 我不仅在italki, Duolingo多邻国, Tutoring等线上平台有教学经历,在很多线下平台也积累了多年的丰富经验。 Since school years, I have already started to teach foreign students from different cultures. For offline, I have been teaching in China, Japan, Indonesia, and Korea. For online, I have been teaching on different platforms, such as italki, Duolingo, Tutoring and quite a few local brands.

1,187회 수업
🔰Kids ✅Adults ✅Test & Exam Prep Available ✅Requests for Topics ✅TESOL ✅IB ✅ Montessori 🎓 Master's Materials: ✅Flashcards ✅PowerPoint ✅ Readings ✅Textbooks ✅PDFs ✅Readings and books to help my students learn English. I use TESOL, IB, and Montessori educational methods to help my students learn English. The best way to learn is to talk about what topics, hobbies and interests students' have. Their hobbies and interest can be cooking, history, astronomy, video games, Pokémon, Disney, sports, food, manga, anime etc. By talking about what hobbies and topics students enjoy, it makes learning English fun and motivates them to want to speak. ⭐On italki, a lesson can only be canceled or rescheduled 24 hours before the lesson start time.⭐

12.2k회 수업
🐷 Animal lover 🤡 Fun 😇 Patient 💬 Talkative 🧚♀️ Storyteller

126회 수업
Teacher Jhane
Professional Teacher, TEFL Certified, & Qualified Great Online English Teacher 🌺 :) My goal as a teacher is to improve my student’s education and help them grow. I want to challenge the students and watch them grow to their highest level of education. Therefore, having the students in group is the best educational strategy I like to use a lot. I want my students to have freedom with whatever creativity they want, and to allow them to express themselves at any time.

478회 수업
Celine 青少综合能力培养/剑桥体系
英语专业硕士/英语八级/国际教师/十年+教学经验/英语教师培训师/原版教材THiNK/Power Up/Reading Explorer/Great Writing/Look/Our World 🔑从事专业英语教育工作超过十年; 🔑 专注原版英语教材研究和实践; 🔑超过5000节+线上课程经验,以及多年的一对一家教工作; 🔑帮助超过1000名儿童、青少年以及成人提高英语水平; 🔑深受学生们的欢迎,在机构教学中,数次加薪,被评为“最受欢迎老师”,“学生续课率最高教师”,“商务英语金牌教师”等; 💘💘学生对我的课程评价: - ‘’庆幸自己给孩子找到了最好的老师,是我做出的最好的决定‘’ - "孩子非常喜欢老师的课,学习有劲头儿" -"跟着Celine老师的安排走,我们很放心" - “老师思路明确,经验丰富,语言表达精准,满意度极高。”; - “多亏Celine老师, 对Annie阅读能力的提升起到了最关键有力的指导. 总之,跟着Celine 老师学,Annie 进步很明显“; - “Celine老师的课是孩子所有课外辅导课中最让人省心的,从来不会担心老师会有所保留或者不尽全力。老师总是为我们的进一步发展做好规划。老师的能力、眼界和心胸真的都太重要了!。”; - ”Celine老师,跟您发个喜报,娃的PET考试顺利通过了🥳🤠 还要多感谢您这一年来给她补习语法和写作,这一年来她的进步还是挺大的。” - “孩子过了KET,差一分卓越,真心地 感谢Celine老师的指导和帮助啊😊!” - “老师很有耐心,复习重点抓重点词汇和发音”; - “老师非常有耐心,完全使用英语教学,对商务英语非常擅长,指点我如何学习英语,如何锻炼自己的语法和发音,非常感谢”。

8,006회 수업
Sherri✨ Kids&Adults
University Chinese teacher in the US✨9 years experience🌍Ed Tech MA⭐️美國大學中文教師✨清華大學碩士🎓專業英文老師/華語老師 💡【Lesson style】 I can teach Chinese for all levels. My teaching style is more interactive and immersion. 📢Please don't say sorry for making mistakes in our lesson, mistakes are important for making progress. ⭐️have experience of working as an elementary school teacher (xi-men primary school) ⭐️experience of being a high school English teacher in Taiwan ⭐️official English teacher's license ⭐️teacher's license of teaching Chinese as a second language (Taiwan Educational ministry) ⭐️In 2019-2020, US college Chinese teacher with the funding of Fulbright.(Western Kentucky University) ⭐️speak Chinese, English and Japanese. ⭐️offer lesson in a wide range of topics from kids to adults

2,533회 수업
Student, language learner and tutor! 🇮🇪🇫🇷🏴🇻🇪🇲🇦🇩🇪🏴🇮🇲🇷🇺 🇬🇧 I like to take an active approach with my students and make sure that every lesson is well prepared and thought out. I usually spend the first lesson getting to know the student, laying out their goals and defining a general plan. I offer an array of lessons from general conversation to formal tutoring, details of which can be seen below. 🇫🇷 Je préfère avoir une approche active avec mes étudiants, en veillant à ce que chaque leçon soit bien préparée. Lors de la première leçon, je fais connaissance avec l'étudiant, définis ses objectifs et établis un plan général. Je propose divers types de leçons, allant de la conversation générale au tutorat formel, dont les détails sont ci-dessous.

644회 수업
Melo✨Kid 小学生 初中生 高中生
✨ Melo 老师曾担任 VIPKid 教师,🍎 教授过 10,000 多节儿童和成人英语课程。 ✨ 在过去两年里,Melo 老师专注于为 50 多名不同的学生教授 1 对 1 课程。Melody 老师的课程互动性强,引人入胜。她的学生在快乐中学习英语。预约试听课程,亲自体验! 我的学生和家长怎么说: "很喜欢Melo老师,开朗活发有激情,让孩子乐于和老师一起学习,特别能带动孩子的兴趣和情绪,很好的老师" "感觉很好,老师一直笑得很开心,即使孩子上课过程中不懂老师也耐心得很,给予很多鼓励。" ""很高兴能上老师的课,学到了很多新知识,也度过了愉快的半小时,老师的幽默激发了孩子,气氛变得不再紧张。孩子可以放心,大胆的说。期待再次会面!"

34회 수업
TCSOL, TEFL, TESOL certified Chinese and English teaccher——3 years experience in Chinese and English 我持有TEFL、TESOL和TCSOL等教学资格证书,这些证书为我提供了有效的教学策略。我的学生在学习中取得了显著进步,对自己的能力更加自信。我热衷于培养他们对学习的热爱,并乐于与社区分享我的专业知识! 我曾在澳门教授对外汉语和英语近两年,期间帮助学生在口语和语法方面取得了显著进步。我的教学重点是培养学生的语言实际应用能力,通过创造互动和参与感,许多学生在真实场景中自信地使用英语和汉语,取得了优异的学习成绩。 目前,我是一名在线自由职业者,已教授汉语和英语超过3年,积累了将汉语与英语融入生活中的丰富教学经验。我始终相信,学以致用才是学习的根本目的,因此语言只有应用起来,才有其真正的价值。

20회 수업
Licensed TEFL English and Japanese-speaking multi-lingual teacher in Japan! Why Book Me as Your English/Filipino Teacher? 😊 Patient & Kind – I create a supportive and encouraging learning environment. 🌍 Culturally Aware – Having lived and worked in different countries, I respect and appreciate different perspectives and beliefs. 👂 Great Listener – I take the time to understand my students, ensuring they feel heard and valued. 🎙️ Interactive & Engaging Lessons – I encourage open discussions, making learning enjoyable and meaningful. 🗣️ Clear & Effective Communication – I express my thoughts concisely to keep conversations flowing naturally. 🚀 Focus on Your Growth – My goal is to help you improve with confidence while enjoying the learning process!

575회 수업
Please check out Udemy's English course Amber & Nikki's English conversations and test prep! Motivating language students online can be a difficult task since you don't get to meet them in person. In general, I don't believe it's effective to assign numerous grammar lessons. My lesson plan for the beginner to intermediate learners focuses on conversational Japanese, practicing repetition of sentences describing their daily lives in present or past tenses. This would build their vocabulary and grammatical skills in the process. Through my lessons, students have demonstrated to be more fluent and motivated.

650회 수업
*Certified&Seasoned Teacher:24+ years exp.(Taught 68,000+ stud.)* specializing in Business English Experienced teacher with 68,000+ students (not just on iTalki) Extensive experience advising/teaching clients in all aspects of English (Business English, persuasive and compelling presentations, conversational English, English for beginners, etc). *Seasoned Public Speaker with hundreds of public talks: 24+ years experience. *Volunteer for a global non-profit organization (24+ years of experience in teaching activities). Lecturer for classes with hundreds of students. 1-1 Classes. Group Classes.

4,429회 수업
🇺🇸➡︎🇯🇵➡︎🇩🇪 PhD🎓in Economics(経済学博士)📚Former college Lecturer(元大学講師・研究員)💼Executive(経営者) 🎉All my students will get 🎁Extra free time (5-10min)➕📝Detailed Study Feedback in PDF format ⭐️Education⭐️ 2018-2021 Ph.D.(博士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2016-2018 M.A. (修士)in Economics, Tokyo, Japan(日本・東京都) 2011-2015 B.A. (学士)in Financial Engineering, Hokkaido, Japan(日本・北海道) ⭐️Certificates⭐️ TEFL Certification Certified Financial Planner Security Sales Representative Japanese Kanji Educator JLPT N1 level 180/180 J.Test Special A, 1000/1000 ⭐️Service⭐️ Academic English&Japanese✍🏻アカデミック英語・学術日本語 Research&Thesis Writing Guide🧑🏻🏫研究・論文作成指導 Editing&Publication Support📝英文校閲・校正・学術誌投稿支援 Business English&Japanese💼ビジネス英語・日本語 Interview/Presentation Prep👔面接・講演準備 Life counseling🌸人生相談

2,873회 수업
Teacher Nate ⭐
🏆 Adults & Kids TOP RATED courses 🏆| 💬适合儿童与成人的英语口语课程 |Разговорный Английский| I am patient, supportive, and committed to each student's progress. I create a positive learning environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves. My teaching style is flexible, adapting to the needs and goals of my students, ensuring they achieve their language learning objectives. 作为一名教师,我耐心、支持每一位学生的进步。我营造了一个积极的学习环境,让学生感到鼓励去表达自己。我的教学风格灵活,能够适应学生的需求和目标,确保他们实现语言学习的目标。 Как учитель, я терпелив, поддерживаю каждого студента в его прогрессе. Я создаю позитивную учебную атмосферу, где ученики чувствуют себя уверенно, выражая свои мысли. Мой стиль преподавания гибкий, я адаптируюсь к нуждам и целям студентов, помогая им достичь успеха в изучении языка.

19.5k회 수업
⭐ Ejderha Sato ⭐
Scratch to Advanced, Teach in 🇬🇧, 🇰🇷, 🇯🇵, 23yrs EXP, 53,000 hrs offline and 19,700 hrs online ⭐ Tailored Japanese Lessons in English, Korean, or Basic Spanish/Italian ⭐ Comprehensive Support to Build a Strong Foundation for Mastery. I'm a native Japanese speaker from Nagano in Japan, who is currently living in South Korea. I had moved around a lot in my childhood. This enabled me to acquire not only standard Japanese but also several Japanese dialects. After traveling in Asia and Africa, I realized there are so many languages and cultures in this world. Since then, I have become a language enthusiast. Thus far, I have learned several languages, and this has helped me conduct easy-to-understand and customized classes for students with diverse language backgrounds.

Casey Smith
TESOL Certified, friendly and fun English teacher here to teach Japanese students 英会話 僕は国際TESOL 証明書を持ってオンラインの学校で働いた経験があります。僕の目標は、生徒さんにとって一番効果的な方法で学習できるようにお手伝いすることですので、是非教えてください。例えば生徒さんの選んだ教科書を使って一緒に勉強したり、文法や語彙のレッスンを準備したり、試験勉強や日常英会話の練習をしたりすることもできます。

45회 수업
📜Certified English, Japanese & Indonesian Teacher with Japanese Manufacturing 🏭Industry Experience As a certified teacher of English, Japanese, and Indonesian, I bring a comprehensive blend of QUALIFICATIONS and EXPERIENCE. The qualifications I’m particularly proud of are: 1. The completion of specialized training courses 📚 and the teaching certificates 📜 📜 📜 for each language. 2. The gift of building structured lesson plans. My expertise spans two main areas: 1. Experience in teaching and constructing lesson plans for all three languages. 2. Practical application of all three languages in the workplace. My students appreciate that I am a qualified 🙌 teacher who instructs from firsthand experience using the language in real-world contexts.

4,876회 수업
⭐You can start From Scratch!⭐Top1% tutor⭐ JLPT / KIDS / Teach in English, Russian, Spanish 🌟Awarded Top 1% tutor on italki 2022🌟I love teaching and learning languages on italki. Before I started working here, I worked as a professional English teacher for over three years and have taught more than 7000 times at another company. I have several YouTube channels for Japanese learners, and thankfully more than 20 thousand subscribers are watching my videos!! (You can google, with the word "Japonés con Rena", "Японский Язык с Реной") Please don't worry if you are a complete beginner. I will explain everything in your language! I love teaching from kids to advanced students, so let's study with me now!! (I have many kids students, and I love to teach kids!)

4,310회 수업
Ila M
CELTA qualified, professional General/Business/Exam preparation teacher with 9+ years of experience. Throughout my work, I have accumulated vast experience helping learners of all ages (5 -18+) and levels (A1 beginner - C2 fluent) achieve their language learning goals. For example, I offer: 🌍 General English or Italian. 💼 Business English. ✍️ Exam preparation for Cambridge MOVERS, FLYERS, KET, PET, FIRST, ADVANCED & PROFICIENCY; plus the IELTS test. 💬 Job & University interview practice. ✅ Proofreading & corrections. 📚 Essay writing & homework help. I believe that learning should be both stimulating /and/ fun, and I always strive to make my lessons dynamic and engaging. I am confident I can help you with your language learning needs, so feel free to send me a message!

3,118회 수업
Isaac Gabriel (艾萨克 )
和我一起提高你的口语和对话技巧 Improve your speaking and conversation skills with me **YOU ARE NOW ABLE TO BOOK A LESSON WITH ME WITH ONLY 2 HOURS OF NOTICE** **您现在只需提前 2 小时通知即可向我预订课程** An enthusiastic English language teacher with a deep passion for literature. I had the pleasure of shaping young minds for the last two years and my teaching philosophy revolves around making lessons enjoyable, tailored to individual needs, and, most importantly, effective. I studied to be an online teacher, and for the last 3 years, this has been my job, which I enjoy very much. 一位热心的英语老师,对文学充满热情。在过去的两年里,我很高兴能够塑造年轻人的思想,我的教学理念围绕着让课程变得有趣,根据个人需求量身定制,最重要的是,有效。 我学习成为一名在线教师,在过去的三年里,这一直是我的工作,我非常喜欢。