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내게 가장 잘 맞는 프랑스어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 프랑스어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 프랑스어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 Benlee Jeff Ambroise과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

17회 수업

Benlee Jeff Ambroise

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어
아이티 크리올어

Professeur expérimenté de Créole haïtien. Comme parcours professionnel , j'ai étudié le travail social au campus Henry Christophe de l'université d'Haïti à Limonade. J'ai plus de 4 ans dans l'enseignement , je suis un professeur de créole et Français dans un établissement en Haïti et j'ai travaillé pendant 2 ans au service de la protection de l'enfance en Haïti.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Natasha Larchier과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

4,756회 수업

Natasha Larchier

전문 강사id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Qualified teacher (Sorbonne IV, Paris) with over 18 years of experience. I've been teaching French to Spanish students for over 15 years and I love my job. I'm efficient, serious and also funny. I love sharing my language with all kinds of people from all over the world. I love meeting new people and knowing new ways of life. I am patient, kind to everyone, responsible and a close person. I'm used to teaching teens and adults, in private lessons and collective courses as well. I speak both French and Spanish fluently; I'm able to speak English and I also understand Italian and Portuguese. I've taught French in Language Schools, High Schools, compagnies...

USD 12.00/시범 수업
선생님 Charlotte 夏洛特과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

534회 수업

Charlotte 夏洛特

전문 강사id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

I have a master's degree to teach French as a foreign language. I teached at the university for the DUFLEPES's students (University diplomate in French for preparation for higher education), then at the French Institute in Slovakia for students of all levels, including diplomats. I like to vary the activities, and adapt to the needs of my students by using humor and stay also concentrate in the class. I think it is important to find together the way for you to learn french that you will like. :) Ps : I don't use books during the class, we will work with different supports like videos, audios, texts, images...

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 Matheus Pereira과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

443회 수업

Matheus Pereira

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

I have effective communications skills, naturally outgoing person, it contributes to create a genuine environment between us. In my hometown, I have taught portuguese for foreigners students in my university for about 4 years. When I traveled to Cambodia I taught kids english and french in a small town. This experience helped me to be more sensitive and caring while I teach.

USD 9.00/시범 수업
선생님 Luca Leandri과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

213회 수업

Luca Leandri

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Learning coach specialized for French (proficient in English) I've helped dozens of people learn French by teaching them core principles. You will, by learning those principles, change the way you approach French (or languages in general) and see concrete results the first lesson. Are you a busy professional that needs French for work or someone that wants to move there? You'll learn that contrary to popular belief, it doesn't "take time" but rather attention which much more practical.

USD 25.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 07:00)
선생님 Nandi과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

494회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

En tant que professeur, je vais utiliser les même méthodes qui mon permis d'apprendre l'anglais. Je vais donner des conseils pour retenir le vocabulaire, la prononciation, tout ce qui te permettra d'être à l'aise en français ou en anglais , à l'écris ou à l'oral. Je connaît tout les challenges d'apprendre une langue étrangère, donc ce sera facile de te guider, t'encourager et converser avec toi pour que tu atteignes les objectifs que tu t'es fixé. Je ferai des cours adapté à tes centres d'intérêt pour que les cours soit ludique et que tu sois motivé à apprendre toujours plus.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 21:30)
선생님 Tassi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,646회 수업

Tassi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어
나이지리아 피진어

🇫🇷 Easy learning and practicing your french🇫🇷 with ease⭐ while having fun 🤠:adult ⭐ childrens ⭐ ⭐ Very patient and ⭐very calm, ⭐always listening to ⭐my learners⭐ As a native French speaker with teaching experience, I can assist you in achieving your language objectives. Whether you wish to diminish your accent and speak more like a native, I am here to help. I am also very attentive and will tailor my teaching approach to suit your needs. I would be available to help my learners: ⭐for exams TCF, TEF, DELF,DALF ⭐⭐ for their French homework, ⭐⭐⭐for interviews at embassies ⭐⭐⭐⭐to find jobs ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐To apply to a French university

USD 6.50/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 06:00)
선생님 Sunhi Sight과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

325회 수업

Sunhi Sight

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

I have 6 years of teaching Japanese language in private lessons. Teaching allowed me to never forget the Japanese and to build courses as I imagined them ! I also made interventions in primary classes to spread the Asian culture to French children, because it's a little known universe. During the summer holidays, I taught French to Dutch children to introduce them to French in a fun way and not speaking their language it was always instructive ! My specialty is to teach languages to people who have a concrete project with the country. My biggest wish is that you reach your goals and become autonomous !

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 abdelwadoud sayad과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

543회 수업

abdelwadoud sayad

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeur langue Française tous niveaux avec 3 an d'expérience Regarding my experience as a teacher, I have not practiced in an official / professional way, on the other hand I gave support lessons to friends and relatives especially in French. I like that the sessions take place in an interactive way, so that an exchange takes place (good communication), a good atmosphere ... Concernant mon expérience en tant que professeur, j'ai pas exercé de manière officielle/Professionnelle, par contre je donnais des cours de soutien à des amis et des proches surtout en langue française. J'aime bien que les séances se déroule de manière interactive, de tel façon qu'un échange prend place (une bonne communication), une bonne ambiance...

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Malika Mian과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

819회 수업

Malika Mian

전문 강사id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Online french teacher (Master Degree and 2 year of teaching experience) I teach French online for a year now after obtaining my Master's degree in French as a Foreign Language and this allows me to transmit and exchange in French but also to discover others by discussing, and learning traditions, culture, and uniqueness of different countries.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 Isabelle과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,175회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Je connais les difficultés qui peuvent survenir lorsque nous apprenons une langue étrangère. Je sais à quel point il est nécessaire de pratiquer la langue que nous apprenons pour progresser. Je voudrais vous aider dans ce sens. Acquérir progressivement du vocabulaire et de l’aisance lorsque vous vous exprimerez en français. I know the difficulties that can arise when we learn a foreign langage. I know how necessary it is to practice the langage we are learning in order to progress. I would like to help you in this direction. Gradually acquire vocabulary and fluency as you will express yourself in french.

USD 9.00/시범 수업
선생님 Mario Jaspe과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,102회 수업

Mario Jaspe

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

I mostly focus on: • Conversations • Make learners gain Confidence when speaking with native English speakers • Make learners gain Fluency and Accuracy • Accent Reduction • Improving Pronunciation • Job Interview Preparation I mostly teach Intermediate level learners.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
선생님 Raphaël Antoine과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

682회 수업

Raphaël Antoine

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Experienced french teacher👨🏻‍💻teaching & traveling for 12 years 🎋 I hope to meet you soon ✨ ⭐️ J'enseigne en ligne car j'adore ce job, cela me permet de voyager autrement et de rencontrer des personnes de partout dans le monde 🌻 J'enseigne principalement à des personnes de niveau intermédiaire et avancé. Je sais m'adapter à chaque personne pour vous faire progresser à votre rythme sur les sujets que vous souhaitez et que vous aimez. I teach online because I love this job, it allows me to travel differently and meet people from all over the world. I mainly teach intermediate and advanced level people. I know how to adapt to each person to help you progress at your own pace on the subjects you want and you love.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 10:00)
선생님 Antoine과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,681회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Back in Paris after a year on the road 🚐, let's talk 🇫🇷🙂 Cela fait maintenant plus de deux ans que j'enseigne sur Italki. J'ai moi-même appris l'anglais de manière autodidacte et je suis persuadé que la meilleure façon d'apprendre une langue et de la pratiquer de manière spontanée, dans un contexte non formel. //English//🇬🇧 It's been more then two years that I'm teaching on Italki :-). Having myself learned English on my own, I'm totally convince the best way to learn a language is to practice in a spontaneous way, in an informal context.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
선생님 Hanane과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

227회 수업


전문 강사id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

J'ai plus de dix années d'expérience dans l'enseignement du français et de l'espagnol pour différents profils et différents âges. Je prépare à tous types d'examens aussi bien en français qu'en espagnol. Je travaille avec des profils dont les objectifs et les attentes sont variées. I have more than ten years experience teaching French and Spanish to different types of students and ages. I teach exams preparation classes for every type of exam in both French and Spanish. I cater for students with a wide range of needs and goals.

USD 25.00/시간
선생님 Lily과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

2,711회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Native French speaker, willing to help you improve your oral French or pass your DELF-DALF exams I have grown up in France and have lived in the US during my junior year exchange in university. I hold a Master's Degree in Communications from Sciences Po (class of 2012). I love talking about matters related to Communications and many other things ! Teaching French has been a real pleasure for me since I love transmitting knowledge and trigerring debates with my students :)

USD 7.50/시범 수업
선생님 Aicha과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

925회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어
아랍어(현대 표준어)

We share here ♥️ To teach has been since always a passion and a lifestyle, i love sharing informations, solving linguistic problems, being available for my students to fix confidence issues toward foreign languages either for french/english. I use several tools to make it easy for my students, including live talks, videos to watch and discuss, chapters to read in sevral subjects to work on pronunciation so that they can learn as much vocabulary as they can. I can teach French, English and Arabic language.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Thuan Thanh TRAN과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

432회 수업

Thuan Thanh TRAN

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Mum was a French teacher, we could say that I have learn French the old/classic way :) As a tutor, I prefer a friendly and relaxed conversation which provides an enjoyable learning environment. However, grammar rules and french spelling remain important, I will draw your attention on the relevant points as we go along. To further progress your studies, I will share with you: online teaching materials, videos and audio files related to French language and culture.

USD 15.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Stefanie과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

6,558회 수업


커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

Professeur avec plus de 6 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement J'enseigne sur italki depuis environ 5 ans, c'est l'aboutissement d'un processus de réflexion professionnel sur ce que je voulais faire de ma vie. Ma priorité est de construire une bonne relation avec les étudiants, de les mettre à l'aise afin qu'ils aient plus de facilité à parler et poser des questions. Avoir atteint la barre des 2000 leçons sur Italki me prouve que mon choix était le bon concernant le virage de ma nouvelle vie. Par ailleurs, la fidélité des étudiants témoigne de leur satisfaction de l'apprentissage du Français.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Brahimi Nadia과 함께 프랑스어 배우세요.

1,065회 수업

Brahimi Nadia

커뮤니티 튜터id verified
SPEAKS :프랑스어

I have been a French teacher for 28 years in all of the primary levels. im an expert when it comes to dealing with students from 7 to 11 years old and I'm confident I'll be as efficient and helpful for anyone no matter thier age. As a teacher i've always managed my classes with a clear yet engaging structure for a more enjoyable learning environment.

USD 9.50/시간
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.