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1,187회 수업
Giulia Ricci
L'italiano adattato alle tue esigenze Lo studente è il protagonista nella mio metodo di insegnamento: il mio compito è quello di assecondare il suo stile di apprendimento, guidarlo nella creazione di un metodo di studio autonomo che gli permetta di sfruttare le proprie capacità e rafforzare i punti deboli. Accompagno i miei alunni alla scoperta della lingua italiana attraverso la letteratura, il cinema, la musica, la cucina, la storia e l'attualità. Mantengo vivo il loro entusiasmo ed alimento la loro motivazione con attività variate, ludiche e stimolanti affinché il loro apprendimento sia completo e possano sviluppare tutte le abilità.

3,874회 수업
Paola Buscema
LEARN ITALIAN WITH PAOLA: FUN, RELIABLE AND GUARANTEED. I have been improving my teaching method in the last years, and I constantly find out new ways of teaching and presenting my language, thanks to the students I have been in contact with: each of you is different, each of you has a different reason to learn Italian, and for business and for passion, each of you is a new book to discover and to fill with my knowledge.

173회 수업
Insegnante e formatrice, esperta di processi di apprendimento e metodo di studio. Avendo insegnato a studenti da poco arrivati in Italia (bambini, ragazzi e adulti) e avendo io stessa imparato delle lingue straniere, ho sperimentato che è parlando, leggendo, scrivendo e anche giocando che si apprende più velocemente. So, però, che per parlare correttamente anche la grammatica e la sintassi sono molto importanti e, visto che in italiano sono molto complesse e ci sono moltissime regole, mi piace affrontarle partendo dalla conversazione, da letture e da video. Imparare dev'essere divertente e appassionante... altrimenti dopo un po' si perde la motivazione.

709회 수업
Cultura, grammatica e conversazione in Italiano senza mai annoiarsi! I am a teacher who enjoys challenging students and get the best out of them with the methodologies best suited to their needs. I am very careful in looking for the best materials to ensure my students have all of what they need to make progress in their language learning and to move step by step to reach fluency and accuracy. I also strive to make lessons not only effective but pleasant and fun, both for me as a teacher and for the students, above all! :)

369회 수업
✨ Claudia✨ Your Italian teacher 🎧📚👩🎓☀️ Sono una persona solare, amichevole e paziente. 🙋♀️ Con me, non dovete avere paura di sbagliare: potete parlarmi di qualsiasi cosa. Se volete fare conversazione per praticare il vostro italiano, possiamo parlare di qualsiasi tema desideriate. Se volete approfondire la grammatica o la cultura, va benissimo. 👯 I am a sunny, friendly and patient person. With me you should not be afraid to make mistakes, you can talk to me about anything. If you want to make conversation to practice your Italian we can talk about any theme you want. If you also want to deal with something grammar or culture is fine.

1,688회 수업
Prof Renato
CERTIFIED TEACHER, in 6 languages, with over 35 years EXPERIENCE :) Multilingual Teacher (that can teach in several languages at the same time in the same lesson). More than 30 years of teaching around the world. Passioned Teacher that wants to make students quickly able to be part of honest conversations in the real world; I have experience teaching students at all levels: from beginners learning to high-level speaking students, helping them enrich and refine their languages. I am attentive, and I have a lot of patience. We can adjust our lessons according to your needs. We can learn from teaching books and worksheets and do exercises together.

1,318회 수업
Learn a language the most natural way I graduated in foreign languages (English, German and French) and I have second a degree in interpreting and translation (English and German). I have over 15 years of experience in teaching and translating. My translation skills help me a lot when it comes to teaching languages for specific purposes, such as legal, medical, business, etc.. At the beginning of our course, I will give you a language assessment test in order to evaluate all your language skills. Language assessment is important because it helps teachers to perceive, analyze and use data on student performance to improve teaching and support students in the best way.

5,113회 수업
Language nerd with a mission to make learning Italian fun but effective! I'm easy going and I value effort, so no need to stress. I generally don't assign homework for my conversation classes but if you'd like me to just tell me and I'll have something ready for you shortly after the lesson. 🚫 Note that I do not offer lessons aimed at children nor any translation services 🚫

2,956회 수업
Giacomo Farfis
English-Spanish-speaking Italian tutor with an experience of more than 2000 lessons I tend to be demanding with my students, but laid-back at the same time. I want my students to make the best, pressuring the students so as they can achieve their goals. I am also very accommodating, adapting my way of teaching and the language of instruction (Italian, English or Spanish) according to the preferences of the student. I am quite honest. This means that I might sound a bit direct sometimes, but when I tell you "your Italian has really improved! You could even have a job interview now!", well, I really mean it. So you best believe it!

1,389회 수업
Experienced Online Italian Tutor My approach is friendly and involving, because I really love to help other people to learn a new language. Don't be nervous If you make a mistake: you're welcome to ask me questions, to repeat or ask me to reformulate. I genuinely enjoy listening to my students' individual needs and preferences when it comes to language learning, as I am continuously learning languages myself.

2,701회 수업
Patrick Khoury
Official member of HYPIA (HyperPolyglot International Association) since 2019. I have been teaching languages for over 8 years now. As a teacher, I am very curious, enthusiastic, and most importantly, very patient! You can ask me the same question more than 10 times until I personally take all my time to make sure you understand what I say. Also, I will make sure to create a very relaxed language learning environment that is custom-tailored to your own needs and desires. I will be available 24/7 so you can get back to me anytime you have a question or concern of some kind. I will assist you in any way I can. Book a trial lesson or just contact me before booking, and we’ll figure out how I can best help you!

2,347회 수업
Silvia C.
4 years and 1158 hours teaching experience on ITALKI - Funny, patient and Passionate Sono una tutor allegra e adoro parlare di moltissime cose, conoscere persone nuove, da tutte le parti del mondo. Adoro parlare dell'Italia, dei paragoni con le altre lingue e culture e cercherò di mantenere sempre viva la conversazione. Sono paziente e le mie lezioni sono molto informali, quindi take it easy, don't be afraid and enjoy the moment. I enjoy talking about a variety of different topics and getting to know new people from all over the world. I love talking about Italy, and comparing italian and Italy to other languages and countries. will try to keep the conversation lively. I am patient and my lessons are very informal, so take it easy, don't be afraid, and enjoy the moment.

2,475회 수업
Parliamo! Insegnante certificata CEDILS per lezioni divertenti e rilassate Diciamo NO alla noia! Mi piace inventare attività sempre nuove e strategie per imparare divertendosi. Il modo migliore per imparare è collegare le informazioni nuove alle emozioni, quindi useremo le vostre passioni ed esperienze per allenare l'italiano. Cercherò di colpire la vostra attenzione con collegamenti inusuali e divertenti, al posto di noiose regole grammaticali ed esercizi sempre uguali. Let's say NO to boredom! I love to find new ways and strategies to learn having fun. The best way to learn is by connecting new notions to emotions, so we're going to use your passions and experiences to train your Italian.

569회 수업
📚Certified Italian Teacher (CEDILS) with 4 years experience; 20% discount on packages📚 The more you speak the more you learn. Just through speaking you can get the confidence you need to express yourself fluently in a foreign language, therefore speaking practice is a vital part of my lessons. From the very first lessons, we will put English or Persian aside and try to speak only Italian. I will propose you interactive speaking exercises that will help you to overcome your insecurities and that will strengthen your vocabulary together with your fluency. In doing so, we will detect your weaknesses and focus on them.

2,751회 수업
Tutor con 14 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento dell'italiano per stranieri Sono un insegnante esperto, flessibile, cerco sempre di adattarmi al livello e alle esigenze dei miei studenti. So ascoltare e al momento opportuno stimolare la conversazione.

11.3k회 수업
Certified CEDILS teacher with over 7 years of teaching experience My first experience with language-teaching and exchange (a good and useful experience) was represented by tandem language learning (when I lived in Brighton). My lessons are structured according to language proficiency levels set by the European framework. But, beyond that, methodology, approach and the relationship between teacher and student are all that matters. Language isn't just grammar. Language is a communicative act and grammar plays a fundamental role in order to learn a language. It can't be, however, the only way to "achieve the objective". I think you can learn languages if you don't get bored, if you feel enthusiasm, if you have passion for what you are learning.

7,615회 수업
Paola Colombo
Founder and content creator of "Bravo! Italian with Paola" I've been teaching on italki since November 2016 and over the years I developed a very flexible method, which allowed me to teach to students of any level and with different goals, preferences and needs. During our lessons, I'll always try to create a relaxed atmosphere so you can feel at ease and have fun while learning. I usually conduct my lessons in Italian as much as I can, so you get used to it, but I can also use English if you like.

1,344회 수업
Sharon Galfrè
Tutor Italiana Madrelingua con anni di esperienza - per tutti i livelli e tutti gli interessi! I am punctual, reliable in moments of need and I am plenty of preparatory material for every level and interest. I am very experienced when it comes to online lessons and creating a positive and fruitful learning environment. Students feel at ease during our conversations and have been able to reach great results. Our functional but colloquial meetings will be ideal to break the ice and learn in a clear way!

3,200회 수업
Anna Maria
Prima di cominciare mi piace capire le motivazioni della persona che sceglie di imparare una lingua, in 15 anni di esperienza non ho mai fatto due volte lo stesso corso, ogni situazione è diversa e mi piace adattarmi alla persona che ho davanti. La lingua parlata è la base dell'apprendimento, ed è sempre il punto centrale dell'insegnamento. Mi piace utilizzare mezzi d'insegnamento diversi. J'aime comprendre les motivations qui poussent la personne à apprendre une langue étrangère, je n'ai jamais donné deux fois exactement le même cours car j'adore m'adapter et j'accorde énormément d'importance à la langue parlée, J'aime mettre à jour mes cours et utiliser différents moyens d'enseignement.

4,073회 수업
Self-employed full-time teacher, coach, and polyglot 🔥 flexible - passionate - energetic Send me a message if you don't find a ⭐ FREE ⭐ spot in my schedule that suits you 👨🏫 (8 am - 10 pm CET, Monday through Saturday). I am looking forward to meeting you, listening to you and helping you. If you want to contact me in another language: I speak Spanish and Catalan fluently; I have an intermediate level of Portuguese, German, Afrikaans, Danish and Greek; and I have basic knowledge of Swedish, Polish and Japanese.