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1,200회 수업
Ho deciso di iniziare questa esperienza perché mi piacerebbe aiutarti a migliorare il tuo italiano facendo conversazione su argomenti quotidiani, ma anche a scelta, da decidere insieme. Sono una persona molto paziente che ti metterà a tuo agio durante le lezioni aiutandoti a superare eventuali difficoltà.

574회 수업
Martina Brenna
Experienced Italian conversation tutor - become fluent in a laid-back learning environment I am a patient and understanding teacher and I foster a laid-back learning environment, in which students feel at ease to talk freely without being interrupted. I adjust to the students' requests and in the end of the class I can provide you with a file that contains mistakes and new words.

1,545회 수업
Federica 🇮🇪
Italian native speaker, degree in Foreign Languages and Literature , english and arabic, Spanish C1 My lessons are shaped according to your needs and your level. Basically we can focus on conversation, pronunciation ,vocabulary and grammar. We can choose together subjects in which you are interested such as fashion, cooking, science, movie .I can help providing material if you need. I like that you feel confortable. Le mie lezioni si adattano ai tuoi bisogni e al tuo livello. Ci possiamo concentrare sulla conversazione, pronuncia, vocabolario e grammatica. Possiamo scegliere insieme argomenti che piu- ti interessano come la moda, la cucina, scienza, film. Posso provvedere al materiale necessario alla lezione.Mi piace che tu ti senta a tuo agio.

1,830회 수업
Fabiola Della Malva
Insegnante di lingua italiana e inglese con oltre 7 anni di esperienza I tend to be really calm and precise. No matter how much time you need to learn something, we all have different way to approach a new language and everyone has its own method. I'll be open to your needs try to do my best to help you improve and get better day by day. IMPORTANT!! I take my job seriously, I'd like to work with people who are really interested in learning and practising. If you book a class and something unexpected happens IT'S OK, but please don't make it become an habit cause booking a class without attending would be a waste of time and money for both of us! So please be sure you can attend the scheduled time, or if you need, feel free to change time and date! GRAZIE :)

3,275회 수업
Federica G.
Qualified teacher from Florence, Italy. Ten years experience with all language levels In high school I studied latin and ancient greek and classical humanistic studies, then studied Education Sciences at the University of Florence. Later I got a specialisation at the University of Siena as a teacher of italian language for foreigners. I have been teaching italian now for almost 10 years, and can say that I am now quite experienced! Before working online I have worked in language schools in Florence and in Moscow, Russia. In 2015 I switched to online teaching, and am now a freelance teacher on Italki and with private students I get through other channels.

931회 수업
Dr. Mabrouk Ahmed
Docente universitario ed esaminatore CELI con 17 anni di esperienza insegnamento ITALIANO<>ARABO I am a university lecturer, PhD in Italian, University of Rome La Sapienza, I have been teaching Italian to Arabic speakers and Arabic to Italian speakers since 2006. I am very patient and smiling. My students' questions and requests for clarification are sacred to me and I do everything I can to answer and clarify everything. I am very honest in class time, but in the meantime I am very flexible giving at the end of any class some time for exercises, questions and a chat as a listening and speaking practice.

4,117회 수업
Lara Lombardi
Italian native speaker 🇮🇹 French bilingual 🇫🇷. TEFL Certified English teacher 🇬🇧 🏅 I''m a certified English TEFL/TESOL teacher and neurolanguage coach. ➡️ I have years of experience in teaching Italian , French and English as foreign languages with many students from different countries and ages! 💪 Imagine you can speak a foreign language without sweating. Imagine you stop apologising. Imagine the words come to you. Imagine you enjoy your vacation in Europe. Imagine you have a real connection with a local, a new friend. Imagine you pick up the phone when it's an international colleague! IF YOU WANT THIS, YOU CAN HAVE IT!

50회 수업
Italian and French Tutor: Customized Conversations and Classes Sono un tutor paziente e disponibile. Mi piace creare un ambiente rilassato, dove possiate sentirvi a vostro agio. L'obiettivo è aiutarvi a esprimervi in modo naturale, scegliendo insieme gli argomenti o proponendovi materiale su misura per voi Je suis un tuteur patient et disponible. Mon but est de vous faire sentir à l’aise, pour que vous puissiez vous exprimer naturellement. Nous choisirons ensemble les sujets à aborder ou je vous proposerai des supports adaptés à vos besoins. I’m a patient and approachable tutor. I focus on creating a comfortable environment where you can express yourself naturally. We can choose topics together or I can propose material tailored to your needs.

1,863회 수업
Laureata in lingue e letterature straniere. insegnante Italki dal 2014. I started teaching Italian when I wanted to improve my German for work, so when I got paid I used the money to buy new German classes. I found this activity very interesting and fun. It was amazing how many people wanted to learn Italian and learn about Italian culture. Listening to my students improving day after day was really satisfying. I studied a lot of Italian during school, so I know very well what I'm trying to teach you. I know how difficult it can be to learn a new language, and to keep it ''alive”! That's something I'm doing too, so I can help you with all my knowledge.

267회 수업
Native Italian and Serbian speaker, I also speak fluent English. Hello everyone, my name is Alex, I'm Italian/Serbian and I would like to help people from all over the world to learn Italian. If you have questions you can message me on Italki and I'll reply asap!

1,068회 수업
I like being an easygoing and friendly teacher, one that likes having a good laugh with her students! Of course, I can be very strict if necessary... but I hope it won't be ;) Apart from English and Italian, I also speak Spanish, French and Arabic.

117회 수업
Romano Reggiani
I am a simple teacher. Sono un insegnate semplice. I think the only way of learning a new language is SPEAKING with someone. Credo che l'unico modo per imparare una nuova lingua sia quello di parlare con qualcuno. We will speak and I'll teach you some great tricks. PARLEREMO E VI INSEGNERO' QUALCHE TRUCCHETTO!

Michele Fustinoni
Sono una persona molto positiva, amo aiutare le persone, specialmente gli stranieri interessati a conoscere la cultura italiana e vogliono esercitarsi nel linguaggio parlato. Ho esperienza come insegnante nel campo dell’IT. Siccome lavoro in ambito finanziario, se vuoi, possiamo approfondire anche alcuni aspetti in ambito economico così da approfondire alcuni temi di tuo interesse. Parleremo di alcuni argomenti di tuo interesse e sarai quindi tu a decidere di cosa parlare. Durante le lezioni parleremo ed eventualmente correggerò la tua pronuncia o errori. Ma non temere, capirai subito.

418회 수업
Germana Santarelli
Italian with Germana ➡️ I like establishing an equal relationship with my students, so they can feel more comfortable in conversation with me. ➡️ Being at ease while learning a foreign language is extremely important because it allows the mind to open and learn with no barriers.

3,241회 수업
Insegnante di italiano e Inglese certificata con esperienza di tre anni I am a very patient teacher, I love teaching and I love talking and interacting with people. Surely, during the first lesson, we will have the opportunity to get to know each other better and establish the achievement of the linguistic objectives together. It will be a lesson where we will get to know each other, and then we will have the opportunity to see my teaching method. We'll have a light and fun lesson and create a good study plan together.

2,672회 수업
Italian Native Speaker with 5+ years of Experience I have been a community tutor for 5 years. iTalki has become a happy place to connect to new people who are keen to learn just as much as I am, and I'm here to make learning fun and productive. About my teaching methods and style: - I'm a grammar defender: gentle corrections and practice are key to build a solid base and overcome that fear of making mistakes; - I'm an excellent listener and am ready to listen to anything you feel like sharing; - my classes can be as casual or structured as you want them to be; - I can guarantee a flexible schedule. As a language learner myself, I know how to overcome the learning paralysis and help you become as confident as a native in no time.

647회 수업
Teaching my language and culture has always been my passion! I have many years of experience in private teaching with children and adults. It doesn't matter what the students' starting level is as I organize my lessons according to theirs interests and needs Ho un'esperienza pluriennale nell'ambito dell'insegnamento privato sia con ragazzi che con adulti. Non importa quale sia il livello di partenza dell'alunno poiché organizzo le mie lezioni in base ai suoi interessi e alle sue esigenze

1,210회 수업
Chiara D.
CEDILS Certified Italian teacher No show up: the student pays full lesson. Notice of no show up less than 24 h prior to lesson time: the student pays full lesson. I tend to use the communicative approach, hence you will start using Italian from lesson 1. However, grammar is important, and I always include it in my lessons, in a way or another. We will not just study boring theory, I will also help you apply the rules immediately, so you can see the results of your efforts. Materials: I design by myself specific learning units for my students, and I also use some of the best Italian books for Italian learners. As for advanced students, I like to use authentic materials, such as newpapers articles and literary texts.

387회 수업
First of all, I absolutely love my job, and I wouldn’t do anything else but teaching. I love my students, love helping them and guiding them through the world of a foreign language. Nothing can be more rewarding than seeing my students’ progress! I’m patient, energetic and cheerful. I always try to bring some humour into my lessons, because humour always helps to memorise better and to keep motivated. I encourage my students not only to LEARN the language but to actually USE it as a tool for different needs. It's never too early to start reading and watching videos on the topics which truly interest you! I know it from my own experience, and I help my students to find interesting content.

433회 수업
Jovana Bazić
I am very easygoing and relaxed. I possess extensive knowledge about being a student, so you don’t need to worry about any mistakes or the problems that may arise along the way. I will assist you in making this journey much smoother, and I’ll be available to answer any questions you might have. During my Master’s, I had the opportunity to teach Italian as a second language, which was an enriching experience. I have also taught students on various platforms. Additionally, I am studying German, so I can completely empathize with what you are going through