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내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 일본어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 일본어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.
3,076회 수업
Haruka's Japanese Bootcamp! You'll speak from day 1 regardless of your current level! Lots of output I am a unique tutor. My job is to push you out of your comfort zone so that you can go to the next level. I will correct even small mistakes and explain why it is not the best answer in English or French. I teach Japanese on several platforms, have various levels of students, and teach them in different ways depending on their needs. I am an adaptable and descriptive teacher. Even if you are a complete beginner, you will talk in Japanese in my lesson! Through my experiences of learning both English and French, I know the points where English speakers and French speakers often make mistakes. Please bring a notebook and pen with you. * I do not accept talking about inappropriate topics.
1,714회 수업
Michiru Fujimaki
I'm back from Mongolia!!! モンゴル、とても美しい国でしたよ。それから、熊野古道(くまのこどう)を歩きました。旅の話をしましょう! 私はゆっくり、はっきり話します。日本語を勉強している人ががよくまちがえるところを知っていて、アドバイスしたり、まちがえを直したりできます。文法、作文、漢字、発音、JLPTの勉強も手伝うことができます。italkiでは、会話をたくさんしましょう。あなたのことやあなたの考えを話してください。私にいろいろ質問してください。会話をしながら、新しい言葉や表現を勉強しましょう。 I'm used to talking to people who are just beginning to study Japanese. I know what mistakes they often make and what they don't understand. I speak slowly and clearly. I'm very patient. I also can teach grammar, composition, pronunciation, kanji, JLPT and so on. But on italki, I'd like to enjoy the conversation. Tell me about you and your interests. I believe you will learn many new words and many new expression through it .
540회 수업
2021年6月より日本語を教えています。「日本語を話す」から「日本語で話す」へ! 資格(しかく)を 二(ふた)つ 持(も)っています。 英語(えいご)と 中国語(ちゅうごくご)が すこし 話(はな)せます。 以前(いぜん) 台湾(たいわん)に 住(す)んでいました。 慣(な)れない国(くに)で 大変(たいへん)なことも ありました。 しかし、 中国語(ちゅうごくご)を 学(まな)んだり、新(あたら)しい 人(ひと)に 出会(であ)うのは、 楽(たの)しかったです。 台湾(たいわん)の 友達(ともだち)とは 5年(ねん) 以上(いじょう) 言語交換(げんごこうかん)をしています。 趣味(しゅみ) ・読書(どくしょ) ・組紐作(くみひもづく)り ・ピラティス I am a certificated Japanese tutor. I speak English and Mandarin as well. I lived in Taiwan 2015 to 2018. I had some troubles in an unfamiliar country. But, I enjoyed learning Mandarin and meeting new people. My Taiwanese friend and I have been teaching our native language each other for more than 5 years. My hobbies: ・Reading ・Making Kimono accessories ・Pilates ・Japanese tea ceremony
2,047회 수업
Yu ゆう 悠
I am friendly, energetic and talkative. The most important thing is your motivation! I will try my best to keep you motivated at all times. I would like to know why you want to study Japanese and what is your goal, then we can make a good study plan together. 私(わたし)はフレンドリーでエネルギッシュで話(はな)し好(ず)きです。あなたが日本語(にほんご)を勉強(べんきょう)している動機(どうき)と目標(もくひょう)を教(おし)えてください。一緒(いっしょ)に計画(けいかく)を立(た)てましょう!
86회 수업
Let’s have fun communicating in Japanese! I have been teaching Japanese about 3 years now, and I really enjoy it. You guys make me want to learn new cultures and lifestyles! Currently I am studying Turkish, so I can understand how difficult it is to learn new languages. I will try my best for you to enjoy the lesson!
252회 수업
NEW teacher! native in Japanese & English, proficient in Italian I love fun & creative lessons both as a teacher and a student. I have taught students of various age groups and from many different backgrounds. ------------------------------------------ My lessons are particularly for those who just began learning Japanese/are interested in Japanese cultures in general, and for those who are Japanese native & would like to improve their English. You are welcome to speak/explain yourself in English if you struggle to hold a conversation in Japanese. 日本人で英語を学びたい方、日本語を最近学び始めた人を特に対象としたレッスンをしたいと思っています。
52회 수업
Welcome to Business Japanese and ”Keigo”! ◆I’ve passed the Japanese Language Teaching Examination. ◆I taught Japanese to foreigners living in Japan for a year. The repeat rate is over 90%! ◆I've worked in customer relations for many years in a Japanese company. So, you can learn useful business Japanese!
783회 수업
【私と日本語をいっしょにべんきょうしましょう(^^)/ I did more than 1500 Japanese lessons !】 【English is below】 italkiではもう700回近くレッスンをしています。 プライベートレッスンを含めると1500回以上のレッスンを行いました。 自分の生徒さんが、レッスンをするごとに日本語が上手になっていくことが私もとてもうれしく、 日本語講師を続けるモチベーションとなっています。 生徒さんとはレッスンでたくさん会話をします。 私のレッスンを通して、自身をもって日本語が話せるようになってほしいです。 When I was 19, I lived in England for 8 months studying English and Music. The first 2 month was very difficult for me as I could not speak any English at all. Before I went to England, I only studied English words and grammar but this really didn't help me much at all. I quickly realised how important it is to do a lot of conversation practice when learning a new language.
17회 수업
chie m
関西弁も教えれますよ! I can also teach Kansai dialect ;) オンラインチューターとして初心者から上級者まで、現在800時間以上レッスンをしてきました。 今は日本語教員試験を受けるために勉強しています。 I have currently given over 800 hours of lessons as an online tutor to beginners and advanced students. And now I am studying to take the Japanese language teaching exam.
🌸日本語って楽しい!!🌸初心者🔰~上級者📔まで!世界に1つしかないあなただけのカリキュラムで一緒に勉強しましょう🌎✨ 🔥私の強み ・英語でのレッスンOK⭕ ・あなただけのオリジナルカリキュラム ・わからないところはいつでも質問OK ・あなたの苦手を徹底解説✨ ・24時間いつでも質問OK ・教科書はすべて配布📚✨ ・お子さんのレッスンもOK🙆♀️ ・あなたのニーズに合った『オリジナル教材』で学べます!
78회 수업
🌸Nika 会話を教えるプロ🌸
会話が上手になる❣️レッスンです😊 I was working in a vocational school for foreign students before. The school was the NO.1 employment rate in Japan. My job there was to improve the students' conversational skills. So, I came up with original conversation lessons. If you take my conversation lessons seriously, you can naturally acquire many words and grammar. Let's have a fun conversation with me! 以前,我在一所面向外国学生的职业学校工作。那所学校在日本的就业率是最高的。我的工作是提高学生们的会话能力。因此,我设计了原创的会话课程。如果认真参加我的会话课程,你可以自然地掌握很多单词和语法。让我们一起进行有趣的对话吧!
401회 수업
日本での就職や進学を考えている方はぜひご覧下さい✨ As I have been working in the HR field, my lessons include interview practice, business conversation, and resume review. I can also provide lessons through free conversations and text books. わたしは日本語のネイティブスピーカーです。 外国人技能実習生や友達に日本語を教えた経験があります。 また、日本語教育の勉強をしています。 日本語を教えることが大好きです! —————————————————————————————————— わたしのレッスンでは日本で働きたい人ためのお手伝いができます。 わたしはこれまでホテルスタッフや、総務(人事)関係の仕事をしてきました。 履歴書の書き方や面接練習、接客で使う言葉づかい、電話対応練習、 ビジネスマナーを教えたりや敬語の練習ができます。 ∩ ∩ < いつでもご相談お待ちしています) (・×・)—————————————————————————————
たのしむことがちかみち!The best and easiest way to learn languages is to enjoy the process! 日本の人材広告会社での営業経験と、バリスタ経験もあるため接客やビジネスシーンでの日本語も実例を交えて教えることが出来ます。 I worked in a Japanese HR company as a sales person, and currently work as a barista! I can effectively teach you business and sales Japanese! また、自身が日本語ネイティブとして日本で初めは留学経験が一切なく、英語を話せるようになったため、違う言語を学ぶことの大変さや難しさ、またコツも一緒にお伝えすることが出来ると思います。 最近は、韓国語とスペイン語も勉強中です…!一緒に頑張りましょう:) I was born and raised in Japan for over 20 years, and I was able to become fluent English speaker even before going study abroad, so I understand how difficult to acquire other languages. I'd like to tell you tips for new language learning. These days, I'm studying Spanish and Korean (which are quite tricky for me), so let's work on language learning together!
1,605회 수업
★I have been teaching Japanese/Portuguese both in person and online. For me, having fun while learning is priority, so I create lessons accordingly to each student preferences and goals. ☆私は日本語・ポルトガル語をオンラインだけでなく、オフラインでも教えています。私にとっては、学びながら楽しむことが優先なので、生徒それぞれの好みや目標に応じてレッスンを作成してます。 ★Tenho ensinado japonês / português tanto pessoalmente quanto online. Para mim, se divertir enquanto aprende é prioridade, então crio aulas de acordo com as preferências e objetivos de cada aluno.
2,002회 수업
Marco Antônio
English: C1 - Japanese: N1 - Portuguese: Nativo de Minas Gerais, uai! I taught myself both English and Japanese, so I believe anyone can learn a language. The secret? Do it just a little bit every day. Do things that are fun for you. As a teacher I will share with you my knowledge, but as a fellow language learner, I will share my experience about learning. 英語も日本語も独学で覚えてきたから、誰でも外国語が話せるようになれると信じます。 秘訣はただ1つ:毎日少しでも頑張って、お楽しみに勉強することです。 先生として、知識を提供します。言語学習者同士として、自分の経験やコツを提供します。
3,178회 수업
!! Let's have fun studying Japanese and enjoy conversation !! Many people are studying Japanese in Paraguay and have taught them Japanese. After experiencing the JLPT exam director, I felt that many people were learning Japanese hard, and I wanted to teach Japanese to various people. In the past, I couldn’t speak Spanish at all, but I taught everyone to be patient and fun remember, so I can I make it fun learn Japanese with all of you. Era no entiendo nada de idioma español pero los amigos de aquí ayudó muchísimo para aprender español y yo cumpliendo hablando español. Por eso, cuando ensenarles idioma japonés para los estudiantes , aprende jumaos para que tener una conversación divertida.
49회 수업
大学や日本語学校で6年間の指導経験 6 years of teaching experience at a university or Japanese language school 私はこれまで大学や日本語学校で6年間日本語教師の仕事をしてきました。今も教壇に立っており、1クラス20~25人を相手に授業をしています。これまで私はひらがな、カタカナの指導から中上級まで教えてきました。まったく日本語が話せない人でも教えることができます。初心者から上級者までその人に合った授業をします。 I have been working as a Japanese language teacher at universities and Japanese language schools for 6 years. I still teach at the podium, giving classes to 20 to 25 students per class. Up until now, I have taught Hiragana and Katakana to intermediate to advanced level. Even people who can't speak Japanese at all can teach. We offer classes tailored to everyone from beginners to advanced students.
843회 수업
Enjoy learning Japanese, from beginner to business levels! Experienced in corporate training courses I completed the 420-hour course to become a Japanese language teacher and passed the certification test in 2020. Currently, in addition to italki, I teach Japanese at elementary schools and companies. I have a lot of teaching experience, especially in business conversation and for children. I have also taught English grammar to Japanese children. ======= 日本語教師になるための420時間講習を修了し、検定に合格しました。 現在は、italki以外に、小学校や企業で日本語を教えています。 ビジネス会話や子供たち向けの授業経験が多くあります。 また、日本人の子供たちに、英文法を教えていた経験もあります。
940회 수업
*****2024年11月の予定***** 11月8日 11月27日(日本時間) みなさんいつも私と楽しく日本語を勉強してくれてありがとうございます^^ 毎月25日頃(24日〜26日)、次の月の予定を出します。 例 12月の予定→11月25日頃 1ヶ月に1日、2日授業をする予定です。 少なくて申し訳ありませんが、お話しできるのを楽しみにしています♪ 日本語教師の資格を持っています。私は英語と中国語を勉強したことがあります。 外国語を勉強する大変さがとてもよくわかります。私と楽しみながら日本語を学びましょう! I am certified to teach Japanese with the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test. I have studied English and Chinese before. I know how difficult it is to learn a foreign language. Enjoy learning Japanese with me. I'm sorry but currently I don't teach beginners.
414회 수업
Overall 1000+ lessons experience with beginners and adolescents in learning Mandarin and German. Working as a German and Mandarin teacher one on one, I teach international students ranging from kids to adults, beginners to advanced. Currently I'm helping my students prepare for TELC, HSK and school tests. Wir können auch gerne Konversationen üben. Having learnt Japanese on an online platform myself and then passed the JLPT N1 exam, I know exactly how it works to teach students via the internet. Moreover, I have helped many students succeed in their job interview. Being totally aware of the difficulties and challenges to master a foreign language, I treat my students with great patience and empathy. 試験に受かってもまだ相応しいレベルの会話が難しいと感じますか。是非ドイツ語の日常会話の授業で一緒に練習してみてください。学生们都说我非常有耐心。