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강의 시간
사용 언어:

내게 가장 잘 맞는 스페인어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 스페인어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 스페인어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 🌸Dalia  🌸과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,149회 수업

🌸Dalia 🌸

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

👩‍🏫 Certified Spanish teacher⭐Beginners⭐Childrens😃 Enjoy learning. Tengo mas de dos años de experiencia enseñando a niños y adultos iniciales A0 de forma dinamica practica y divertida , enfocandonos en las 4 hablidades, speaking , reading, listening and writing. Las lecciones estan especializadas en las inteligencias multiples , significa que cada persona tiene diferente manera de aprender y por medio de un test descrubriremos la tuya para que sea mas facil aprender el idioma .

USD 17.00/시범 수업
선생님 Maria Eugenia과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

5,494회 수업

Maria Eugenia

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Certified as a professional teacher of Spanish as a foreign language at Academia de Buenos Aires My lessons are carefully tailored to each student's interests and goals. With years of experience, I firmly believe that developing a new skill requires consistent practice and enjoyment of the learning process. That’s why I design every session to provide you with materials and tools that allow you to make progress and learn something new each time. Whether you're looking to become fluent in Spanish, prepare for a trip, pass an exam, or simply maintain and improve your current skills, I invite you to sign up for a class with me. Together, we can work towards achieving your goals.

USD 16.00/시범 수업
선생님 Johan Jaimes R.과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

490회 수업

Johan Jaimes R.

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Me gusta enseñar, comunicar todo lo que se, me gusta que las personas de otros paises aprendan el idioma español, que aprendan algo de la cultura de Colombia y de las diferentes ciudades, me gusta que las personas se diviertan y se entretengan a la hora de aprender un nuevo idioma.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 ALBERTO MARTINEZ과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

730회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Do you want to improve your fluency? Do you want to understand better? Do you want to visit a Spanish-speaking country? Or maybe some help with your homework? Gain confidence by speaking fluently and fearless with me. I create an informal atmosphere where you can feel relax and learn without pressure while I steer the lesson towards your objective.

USD 10.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Julieta과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

42회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Soy paciente, flexible, y me gusta adaptarme al ritmo del estudiante. Siempre estoy abierta a sugerencias y me motiva mucho cuando hacen preguntas. Mi objetivo es que quienes aprenden conmigo alcancen el nivel de español que desean de una manera fácil y agradable, disfrutando del proceso de aprendizaje. I am patient, flexible, and I like to adapt to each student's pace. I am always open to suggestions, and I find it very motivating when they ask questions. My goal is for those who learn with me to reach the level of Spanish they desire in an easy and enjoyable way, while enjoying the learning process.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Mafe과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,152회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Aprendamos y practiquemos Español juntos! Si tienes una pregunta, escríbeme! :) English: I'm a pacient, understanding, friendly and flexible tutor. I loveee languages so I enjoy helping others understand and improve my native language Spanish and sharing a little about my culture. Spanish: Soy una tutora paciente, comprensiva, amigable y flexible. Me gustan muchos los idiomas así que disfruto ayudar a que otros entiendan mejor mi lengua nativa y compartir un poco de mi cultura.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 16:00)
선생님 Dayana과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

446회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Soy una tutora apasionada con más de 3 años de experiencia, enfocada en el crecimiento personal Como hablante nativa de español y apasionada por los idiomas, he experimentado de primera mano el emocionante desafío y la recompensa de aprender nuevas lenguas. Mi viaje en el aprendizaje de varios idiomas me ha brindado una profunda comprensión de las emociones y las dificultades que conlleva dominar un nuevo idioma. Soy una persona adaptable y paciente, cualidades que considero esenciales para una enseñanza efectiva y enriquecedora. As a native Spanish speaker with a passion for languages, I have firsthand experience with the exciting challenge and reward of learning new languages. My journey in studying several languages has given me a deep understanding of the emotions and difficulties

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 19:00)
선생님 Arnold Sierra과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,561회 수업

Arnold Sierra

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Language teacher and M.A. in Linguistics with over 4 years of teaching experience. Para mi es importante incluir los intereses y necesidades de los estudiantes durante el proceso para que se sientan más cómodos al lograr los objetivos. For me is important to include students’ needs and interests during the process for them to feel more comfortable while achieving their goals.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
선생님 Jean-Charles과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,084회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Pendant plus de 10 ans, j’ai formé des étudiants en bac pro commerce, MUC (Management des Unités Commerciales) et Force de Vente, des BTS MUC et des licences Banque Assurance. J’ai été plusieurs années de suite (8 ans) Jury pour les examens de fin d’année de ces divers niveaux. La formation continue, le dialogue, la pédagogie fait partie intégrante de ma façon d’enseigner. Je suis très à l’écoute des besoins de mes élèves pour leur permettre de prendre confiance en eux et qu’ils se sentent à l’aise dans la façon de s’exprimer tant en français qu’en espagnol.

USD 9.00/시범 수업
선생님 ⚡Miss CAROL⚡과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

15.0k회 수업

⚡Miss CAROL⚡

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어
미국 수화(ASL)

Highly Qualified Professional Kids & Adults Teacher|Degree in Foreign Languages Pedagogy My method is full Immersion in the language, for me is not essential to know just theory but also a language is meant to USE IT!! I'm very flexible and I will totally listen to my student's needs and interests. I love teaching children from 5 years old, teens and adults. My classes are very dynamic, for the correct learning of a new language you will develop all the necessary skills such as: ✅Grammar ✅Writing ✍ ✅Pronunciation ✅Listening ✅Speaking ✅And so much more!!! I have high-quality audio, video, and fast internet. Lessons for 5 years old and beyond Watch my videos on YouTube: Spanish with Salsa Instagram: Spanish with Salsa

USD 6.99/시범 수업
선생님 Josué ⭐과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

6,219회 수업

Josué ⭐

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Extraordinary normal conversations with a flexible language lover. Learn, have fun, or even both :) I try my best to adapt to the level and skills of the student. Though this can sound scary, especially for beginners, my priority is to talk and converse in Spanish. You can, and will, make mistakes. No worries. That's the best way to learn. Si sabes reírte de ti mismo, ya tienes andado la mitad del camino para aprender un nuevo idioma.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
선생님 Alexis Marin과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

448회 수업

Alexis Marin

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de Español con planes personalizados para todos los niveles I am a flexible and understanding teacher who tries to adapt to the needs of the students so that they can learn in the best way. Yo soy un profesor flexible y comprensivo que trata de adaptarse a las necesidades de los alumnos para que puedan aprender de la mejor manera.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 20:00)
선생님 Alejandra Hernández과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,171회 수업

Alejandra Hernández

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Me gusta animar a mis estuiantes a que comiencen a hablar, muchas veces el estudiante "speaking" se deja de lado o se pospone por miedo o vergünza a equivocarse o a ser juzgados. Yo también pasé por eso y esa es la razón por la que intento crear una atmósfera relajada de confianza para que se sientan cómodos y se atrevan a platicar en español. También me gusta usar diversos recursos para enseñar gramática y vocabulario. Siempre me tomo un momento para conocer a mí estudiante, crear un diagnóstico y comenzar a armar un plan personalizado para que desarrolle sus habilidades en el idioma español de la manera más adecuada. Me puedo adaptar a tus necesidades de horario.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:45)
선생님 Enrique Pastor과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

301회 수업

Enrique Pastor

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Trabajo como profesor de inglés para hispanohablantes así como profesor de español. Soy una persona disciplinada y me gusta preparar el contenido de cada clases. Realizo un seguimiento particularizado para cada alumno. Me encanta enseñar y disfruto de ver el progreso de los alumnos y su espíritu humilde y sus ganas de querer aprender cosas nuevas.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 20:00)
선생님 Florian과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

4,452회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Freude beim lernen. Ich habe die letzten 10 Jahre, weltweit, als Lehrer aber auch als Schüler Erfahrungen sammeln dürfen, welche ich gerne mit dir teilen würde. Ich habe Erfahrungen mit Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittenen und von jung bis alt. For the last 10 years, I have been able to gain worldwide experience as a teacher but also as a student, that I would like to share with you. I have experience with beginners to advanced and from young to old. Durante los últimos 10 años he podido hacer experiencia en muchos lugares diferentes, como profesor pero también como estudiante, que me gustaría compartir con ustedes. Tengo experiencia con principiantes a avanzados y de jóvenes a mayores.

USD 14.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Pam Arboleda과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

5,250회 수업

Pam Arboleda

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Preservice teacher with four years of experience on Italki I'm an open person so I understand that everyone has a different way of learning. I love teaching and helping people at their own pace. I'm patient and friendly. And I believe those are some of the most important things about teaching. You have to make the person feel comfortable for them to let go of the fear of learning a new language and just enjoy the experience.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 15:00)
선생님 Laura Charry과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

9,192회 수업

Laura Charry

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Fun Spanish and English teacher with over 7 years of teaching experience with adults and teenagers! He tenido la oportunidad de enseñar inglés y español a jóvenes y adultos y he tenido la satisfacción de saber que he logrado que muchas de ellas se sientan cómodas con el idioma y descubran su potencial y mejoren sus habilidades. Igualmente, he viajado a diferentes países y he experimentado enseñar español a personas que nunca han tenido un acercamiento con este idioma. Al tener la facilidad de comunicarme en ambos idiomas, puedo explicar tanto inglés como en español, o viceversa, todo según las necesidades del estudiante.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
선생님 Amanda Moreno과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

447회 수업

Amanda Moreno

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesora de español Soy una profesora paciente y flexible. Me adapto a los estilos de aprendizaje de cada persona, sus ritmos y necesidades. Mi prioridad es que mis estudiantes se sientan cómodos y seguros aprendiendo español. Me gustaría que cada uno tuviera una experiencia única aprendiendo el idioma y sumergiéndose en la cultura de los hispanohablantes. I am a patient and flexible teacher. I adapt to each person's learning style, pace and needs. My priority is that my students feel comfortable and confident learning Spanish. I would like everyone to have a unique experience learning the language and immersing themselves in the culture of Spanish speakers.

USD 18.00/시간
선생님 Brenda Gomez과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,098회 수업

Brenda Gomez

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

A pastry chef from Los Angeles who loves languages! As a teacher I'm incredibly patient. I tend to lead my lessons with kindness and support. It's very important for me to have my students feel comfortable enough to practice English or Spanish as much as possible! I'm a teacher that enjoys instilling motivation and curiosity.

USD 12.50/시범 수업
선생님 Danny Ortiz과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

232회 수업

Danny Ortiz

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Bachelor's in Foreign Language Education over six years of experience I believe acquisition and teaching help people become more aware and respectful of cultural differences🧫🍕🌮🍓🌮🍩🍜🍲🍟🥡🫔🍛. It helps us break down cultural barriers, build cultural bridges, and learn how to love and appreciate those different from us. This results in more cultural connection and less cultural conflict.

USD 7.00/시범 수업
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.