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내게 가장 잘 맞는 스페인어 강사님을 찾아보세요.

내게 가장 잘 맞는 온라인 스페인어 강사님 찾기: 경험이 풍부한 italki의 온라인 스페인어 강사님을 찾아서 학습 효율을 최고로 높여보세요.

선생님 Cinthya Pérez과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,014회 수업

Cinthya Pérez

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Tutora con más de 4 años de experiencia. Como Comunicóloga y colaboradora de contenido educativo en español para angloparlantes, te ayudaré a desarrollar tus habilidades lingüísticas y mejorar tu pronunciación un ambiente amigable. Actualmente, colaboro en una empresa que realiza contenido educativo en español para estudiantes angloparlantes. Soy licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación y técnico en Servicios Turísticos. Con 4 años como profesora en Italki. Por el momento tengo certificación nivel B2 en inglés (preparándome para C2), y también estoy estudiando francés (nivel A2). Además, tengo un Diplomado en Locución Comercial, Radiofónica y Podcaster.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 14:00)
선생님 Yohan De Lugo (DELE)과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,862회 수업

Yohan De Lugo (DELE)

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Spanish Professional Tutor With 7 Years of Experience (DELE Examiner and Trainer) I have been teaching English and Spanish, both online and in-person, for 7 years. I love teaching students from all over the world, so we can share about our experiences, cultures, and interests. I hold a 120-hour TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Education 📜 from the University of Palermo. As such, I have countless of great methods to make the learning process simpler.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:00)
선생님 Teacher Yunue과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

3,911회 수업

Teacher Yunue

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Certified Spanish Teacher with 7+ years of Experience! Specialized in Fluency and Conversation! ✅ I have a lot of experience teaching kids/youth and adults. ✅ I believe that learning a new language is more than just memorizing and following rules this is why I focus on all aspects, such as; reading, grammar, listening but MOST importantly lots and LOTS of practice 😃 ✅ I am extremely patient and can adapt to all teaching and learning styles. ✅ I use different tools and teaching methods depending on my students’ ages and learning goals. ✅ I make my classes interactive, to the point and most importantly FUN! My goal is to make learning a new language a hobby, not a chore 😃 Book a lesson today and let’s get started! 😃

USD 15.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 13:00)
선생님 Diego Torres과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

4,520회 수업

Diego Torres

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I’m far from being an authority figure. I'd prefer to create a deeper connection from a place of understanding without judging. I don’t have any formal training in teaching so I don’t know everything. I do believe that is good to be cooperative when learning. That’s why I’m always open for suggestions.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Clara과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

750회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I'm strict but at the same time very patient and comprehensive. I focus on accompanying the student through his growth and also try to help him process and incorporase the information. It's of no trouble for me repeating things, the most important thing is that you learn and gain confidence with the language. I encourage my students to grow and get better by celebrating their achievements and helping them with their weak points.

USD 6.00/시범 수업

즉석 강의 강사님: 27명

지금 바로 강의를 시작할 수 있는 강사님들이 계세요! 강사님을 찾아 강의를 들어보세요.

Lizbet Corona
커뮤니티 튜터

756회 수업

SPEAKS :스페인어
Tutora de español, apasionada de las culturas, con estudios en economía.
시범 수업USD 7.00
커뮤니티 튜터

730회 수업

SPEAKS :스페인어
Do you want to improve your fluency? Do you want to understand better? Do you want to visit a Spanish-speaking country? Or maybe some help with your homework? Gain confidence by speaking fluently and fearless with me. I create an informal atmosphere where you can feel relax and learn without pressure while I steer the lesson towards your objective.
시범 수업USD 10.00
커뮤니티 튜터

172회 수업

SPEAKS :스페인어
Profesor de Argentina con 11 años de experiencia en educación formal
시범 수업USD 5.00
선생님 Paulina과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,224회 수업


id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

I've taught English during my travels as a volunteer in local schools and recently after two years of teaching on Italki I've upgraded to a professional language teacher. My approach is mainly intuitive. To improve my teaching skills I took a 120 hrs online TEFL course to be able to explain specific grammar issues to my students. I can teach beginners and intermediate students who'd like to build and reinforce their learning through speaking practice. I love languages and myself I'm learning Japanese and French at the moment and that's why I can easily understand your difficulties with memorizing new words and frustrations of not being able to pronounce things correctly. I'm very patient :)

USD 6.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 08:00)
선생님 Yeison Quevedo과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

2,926회 수업

Yeison Quevedo

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Hacer que el idioma sea tuyo es mi objetivo. Tengo experiencia informal, siempre apoyando a profesores con tutorías o explicando temas de difícil entendimiento a los compañeros de colegio o universidad, además de cerca de dos años en

USD 7.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 02:15)
선생님 Adrian Miranda과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,998회 수업

Adrian Miranda

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Awesome native tutor from Mexico! Five years' experience! I have lived in Mexico most of my life, spending a lot of time in different cities learning about the country's distinct cultures, especially their slang, and mannerisms, many of them influenced by other languages that made them richer and more interesting. My experience with different cultures helped me to understand a lot of topics and forms of communication. I'm interested in what the mind can do for the body through voice and language!

USD 9.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:15)
선생님 Marco Quiroa과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

62회 수업

Marco Quiroa

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor con experiencia y amor por los idiomas Don't be afraid to talk to me, I'm here to help you improve your level in the language. I like to be open with my students so that they have the confidence to ask questions and thus be able to help them with the language, I also like to be punctual, dynamic and creative.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
선생님 Carmen Pereira과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,163회 수업

Carmen Pereira

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

AMO EL ESPAÑOL y desde hace mas de 10 años Disfruto enseñar a adultos y niños de manera Online Como profesor puedo compartir contigo todos mis conocimientos hasta lograr que alcances el éxito en tu vida, en mis clases soy flexible y paciente logrando que te sientas cómodo y a gusto con tu clase. Si aprender Español es lo que deseas, no dudes en contactarme y hare de nuestras clases un momento inolvidable ∞

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 02:15)
선생님 Oscar과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

37회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Comprendo tu situación de querer buscar alguien con quien hablar y practicar sin restricciones, de que no te sientas preocupado del qué dirá la otra persona, de cómo hablas o te expresas. Por eso te propongo que te des la oportunidad de invertir en tu persona, agenda las sesiones que veas conveniente de acuerdo a tus tiempos, donde te sientas confortable para expresar tus ideas y con ello logres que fluya tu español.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:15)
선생님 Fabian B과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

5,943회 수업

Fabian B

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Polyglot with over six years of experience welcoming friends of the world to the Spanish language Civil engineering student, passionate about travels and human connections, pragmatic, and very easy to approach.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 23:00)
선생님 Denisse Valenzuela과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

3,145회 수업

Denisse Valenzuela

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

📢 [Your FIRST 5 lessons with a big discount] - Amplia experiencia en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Imparto clases a estudiantes de nivel básico, intermedio y avanzado (+18 años). Si son estudiantes dedicados que buscan aumentar su confianza, su fluidez y ampliar su vocabulario, su lugar es aquí.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 06:15)
선생님 Ronny  Chenguayen과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

1,256회 수업

Ronny Chenguayen

id verified
전문 강사
SPEAKS :스페인어

Hola, soy ingeniero mecánico y tengo una especialización en docencia que me acredita para enseñar en distintas áreas incluyendo el español. He estado enseñando por mas de tres años, puedo ayudarte a mejorar tu gramática, pronunciación y fluidez.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 13:30)
선생님 Adalberto과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

125회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Me apasiona enseñar español y disfruto mucho practicándolo con todas aquellas personas que se interesan por este hermoso idioma. Tengo dos principales ventajas competitivas, una es que debido a mi formación profesional tengo un amplio vocabulario que me permite hablar de diferentes temas con los estudiantes de español, y mi segunda ventaja competitiva es que puedo hablar inglés y esto me permite comunicarme e interactuar con estudiantes de habla inglesa interesados ​​en practicar o en aprender español. SOME THINGS THAT WE WILL WORK ON: - Conversation skills, -Pronunciation, -Writing, -Reading, -Very little grammar, -Learning new vocabulary, -Listening and speaking skills.

USD 6.00/시범 수업
선생님 Hana과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

291회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Soy hablante nativa de español. Enseño ya hace mas 4 años a estudiantes de todo el mundo. - Me gusta que mis estudiantes hagan muchas preguntas y participen en clase. - Me considero una excelente profesora de español por que entiendo perfectamente y hablo muy bien. - Me encanta realizar actividades significativas para mis estudiantes. - Tengo habilidades pedagógicas. - Soy muy divertida, me gusta que mis estudiantes se sientan felices en el aula.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:15)
선생님 Miguel Angel Hoppe과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

983회 수업

Miguel Angel Hoppe

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Soy dinámico y energético , me apasiono y sorprendo con mucha facilidad; uso todos mis sentidos para mantener la atención y calidad en el proceso educativo. No me gusta la improvisación, pero tampoco me gusta forzar el proceso a formulas preestablecidas, todo se trata de escuchar y escoger las mejores herramientas. Tengo claridad del uso correcto del idioma gracias a mi formación como actor, ya que la palabra y la comunicación son dos de las herramientas más importantes para el desarrollo de la profesión, además me apasiona la lectura y la cultura en general.

USD 8.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 20:00)
선생님 Pedro과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

203회 수업


id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Estudié Inglés hace 6 años en un prestigioso instituto de idiomas en Lima y logré concluir mis estudios hasta el nivel avanzado, pero por falta de practica mi inglés se ha oxidado. La metodología a emplear será haciendo ingeniería inversa, osea, así como aprendí inglés, puedo enseñar español, teniendo como base tópicos de conversación y gramática aplicada. Soy paciente y puedo entender los niveles de frustración que la gente experimenta a la hora de aprender un nuevo idioma.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:15)
선생님 Nicolás Svirnovsky과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

200회 수업

Nicolás Svirnovsky

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

Profesor de Español nativo, abogado y escritor, con más de 4 años de experiencia. Como profesor creo que la comunicación es la parte fundamental para el desarrollo del aprendizaje de un idioma. También considero que dependiendo de las necesidades y metas de cada alumno, el uso de material puede ser diverso. Me gusta que en mis clases, los alumnos puedan sentirse fuera de la presión de una clase tradicional y que se sientan en un ambiente más distendido.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 12:15)
선생님 Yosmel Mendez과 함께 스페인어 배우세요.

305회 수업

Yosmel Mendez

id verified
커뮤니티 튜터
SPEAKS :스페인어

I became a Tutor 7 years ago, it's been such a great experience to meet people from so many different countries. I like to share my culture and help other people learn languages in a fun and more dinamic way where you're able to use the things you know and learn what you need.

USD 5.00/시범 수업
오늘 예약 가능(시간: 02:15)
최종 결제는 USD로 이루어집니다.