This year has been a really successful year, I've been learning 6 languages and have made significant progress with all of them. I am living in China so I learn Chinese everyday, but for the rest it goes as follows:
Monday - Russian
Tuesday - Vietnamese
Wednesday - Thai
Thursday - Japanese
Friday - Korean
Following this schedule I do 30 minute lessons from italki using a specific textbook, on a given day I will listen to the languagepod101 series podcasts, study grammar, learn on Duolingo, Lingodeer, Memrise, etc
I've been doing this for about a year and the progress has been amazing, hopefully I will be able to live in each of these countries for a year, as I am an English teacher so hopefully there is some kind of work I can do
The only thing I would change and have changed is giving myself less challenges, I have my language schedule and daily tasks on a calendar, and sometimes I give myself too many goals and it actually becomes a little stressful to do, so now on the weekends I take time to recharge and catch up with anything I didn't have time for before
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