This post will guide you through the entire procedure of buying a plane ticket online in Turkish. Here you will learn many widely-used and practical terms and expressions related to online purchasing, and you will be able to put your knowledge into practice as soon as you decide to visit Turkey!


Turkish Airlines and Fly Pegasus are companies which are very likely to fly you to Turkey. After reading this article, test your knowledge by visiting their websites in Turkish.


So, let’s proceed to bilet satın alma (booking a ticket).

Booking A Ticket

When you visit any airline website, first you must choose your origin: nereden (from where). Next, select your destination: nereye (to where). Please also remember the word seçiniz (select), as you will need it at each step.


Before selecting your flight dates, it is wise to rehearse haftanın günleri (days of the week).


·      Pazartesi (Monday)

·      Salı (Tuesday)

·      Çarşamba (Wednesday)

·      Perşembe (Thursday)

·      Cuma (Friday)

·      Cumartesi (Saturday)

·      Pazar (Sunday)


And aylar (months)


·      Ocak (January)

·      Şubat (February)

·      Mart (March)

·      Nisan (April)

·      Mayıs (May)

·      Haziran (June)

·      Temmuz (July)

·      Ağustos (August)

·      Eylül (September)

·      Ekim (October)

·      Kasım (November)

·      Aralık (December)


Now, when you remember this, you can confidently decide your gidiş tarihi (departure date) and dönüş tarihi (return date). At this point, you will also decide whether your trip is a gidiş-dönüş (round trip) or tek-yön (one way).


You must be excited about booking your very first flight (and hopefully not the last one) in Turkish, but don’t forget your fellow passengers! The next step is to mark the number of yetişkin (adults), çocuk (children) and bebek (infants) that you are travelling with. Check everything once again and you are ready to continue.


Click devam (continue). It will take you to uçuşseçimi (flight selection), and you will be asked Seyahat günleriniz esnek mi?” (“Are your travel dates flexible?”). If your travel dates are esnek (flexible), you may want to take a look at a 15 günlük görünüm (15 day view of available flights). When you select the dates, go down the page and press uçuşları listele (list flights).


Then you will get a list of all flights on the selected date. During the summer season, both Turkish Airlines and Fly Pegasus have dozens of daily departures to of all the main tourist destinations in Turkry, such as Antalya, Bodrum Muğla, Dalaman, Denizli and Izmir.


Therefore, before choosing the gidiş uçuşları (departure flights) and dönüş uçuşları (return flights), pay attention to the word kampanya (promotion). The prices can vary significantly depending on the time of a day. Take a good look at kalkış (departures) and varış (arrivals).


Fly Pegasus also offers different packages, called Eco (Essentials), Avantaj (Advantages), and Ekstra (Extras). The Eco package includes el bagajı (8kg of hand baggage) and bagaj (15 kg of baggage); the Avantaj includes el bagaji, 20 kg of bagaj, koltuk seçimi (seat selection) and uçak içi ikram (in-flight food and drink).


With the Ekstra package, you can iade / değişiklik hakkı (change / refund your flight); besides this it is the same as the Avantaj package, aside from including 25 kg of baggage. Similarly, Turkish Airlines offers Ekonomi Promosyon, Ekonomi Esnek and Business packages.


When you select your departure and return flights, you will see your toplam ücret (total price) on the right part of the screen. Click devam again and continue to the next page.


If booking with Turkish Airlines, you will now proceed to payment. With Fly Pegasus, however, the next page consists of selecting different services, such as the previously mentioned koltuk seçimi, yemek seçimi (food selection) bagaj seçimi (baggage selection),  seyahat sigortası (travel insurance) and spor ekipmanları (sport equipment).


You may also want to practice your culinary Turkish and choose a meal. It is useful to know words such as tavuklu sandviç (chicken sandwich), sebzeli dürüm (vegetable wrap) and peynirlidürüm (cheese wrap). Ekle means add and if you have chosen Avantaj or Ekstra package, you will decide your meal now.


When you get to the insurance section, you will need to select “satın almak istiyorum(“I want to buy”) or “satın almak istemiyorum(“I do not want to buy”).


At the end of the page you will need to decide if you want to become a Pegasus Plus member by opting for Pegasus Plus avantajları ile devam, or üye girişi yapmadan devam et (continue without log-in).


Finally, you have reached your rezervasyon ayrıntıları (reservation details). Here you will need to know words that are used in all kind of application forms and for buying online.


·      Cinsiyet (Gender)

·      Bay (male)

·      Bayan (female) İsim

·      Soyisim (Surname)

·      Doğum Tarihi (Date of Birth)

·      Şehir (City)

·      Ülke (Country)

·      CepTelefonu (Mobile phone number)

·      E-posta (e-mail address)


After filling in the form select ödemeye devam et (proceed to payment). Here you will check if everything is correct:


·      Rezervasyon ayrıntıları (Reservation details)

·      Yolcu bilgileri (Passenger information)

·      Kredi Kartı ile Ödeme (Pay with a credit card)

·      Ödeme (Payment)

·      Kredi kartı tipi (Card type)

·      Kart numarasi (Card number)

·      Kart sahibinin adı (Card holder’s name)

·      Son kullanma tarihi (Expiry date)

·      Guvenlik kodu (Security code)


If you want to go back at any point, just click geri.

Tebrikler! (Congratulations!)

The knowledge you have just gained is widely applicable. Turkey also has an exceptionally developed intercity bus network with a standardized service, and you can choose among dozens of reliable bus companies.


Instead of nereden and nereye, you may come across words such as hareket yeri and gidilecek yer, but the previous tables have basically summarized all the words related to the online booking of a plane ticket, and should be sufficient for finding your way with bus and train tickets as well. You can even try printing the article and using it as a tool to try to online purchasing.

İyi yolculuklar! (Have a Nice Trip!)