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Vind de beste online leraar Italiaans

Leer Italiaans vanuit huis en volg online lessen met onze gekwalificeerde Italiaanse leraren.

Learn Italiaans with the teacher Vittoria.

119 lessen


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Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Ho lavorato come insegnante di italiano dal 2014 fino al 2016 presso un'accademia di lingue straniere in Venezuela. Dal 2020 lavoro come insegnante di lingua italiana/spagnola (prevalentemente online). Utilizzo una varietà di materiali online interessanti (video di YouTube, articoli online, canali educativi). Per ogni lezione preparo i miei materiali salvati in file PDF e in file documenti google.

USD 6.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 18:00 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Rossella.

877 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Ciao! Piacere di conoscerti e grazie per aver visitato il mio profilo su Italki. Mi chiamo Rossella, sono una tutor madrelingua d'italiano e abito vicino a Napoli. Mi piace il cinema, la fotografia, ascoltare la musica e studiare le lingue straniere.

USD 9.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 14:00 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Nancy M..

469 lessen

Nancy M.

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

✨ Boost your language skills in a blink of an eye! ✨ 🇬🇧 I'm an open-minded, attentive, and adaptable teacher. My focus is CONVERSATIONAL learning, enhancing confidence, fluency, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Patience is paramount; ❌ Judgment has no place here. Let's embark on your language journey! 🇮🇹 Aperta, ascoltatrice attenta e flessibile. Lezioni su misura per te, concentrate sulla conversazione. Sviluppa sicurezza, arricchisci vocabolario. ❌ Qui non si giudica, sbagliare è parte del processo d'apprendimento! Scopri il tuo potenziale oggi!

USD 5.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 08:30 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Ilaria Ziccardi.

1,838 lessen

Ilaria Ziccardi

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Italian teacher with 6 years of experience. For every level and need! My teaching method is focused on the students, and during the first lesson, I ask my students why they want to learn Italian and the goals they want to reach. At the beginning of each lesson, I'll ask the students if they have any questions from the previous classes or about something they have listened to or seen; only after that we'll start the new lesson! I am a supportive person, and I will constantly be there to guide you during the challenge of learning a foreign language!

USD 5.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 05:00 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Gesualdo.

2,412 lessen


id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Preparation for CELI, CILS, PLIDA / Preparation for AP / Teacher in high schools Ti guiderò nell'apprendimento (AP, cittadinanza, CELI, CILS, PLIDA, grammatica, pronuncia, accento, lettura, scrittura...). Metterò a tua disposizione le mie competenze, la mia esperienza e la mia conoscenza dell'italiano, del siciliano, dell'inglese, dello spagnolo, del latino e del greco. Insegno anche ai bambini (9+). Laureato alla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione. I will guide you in learning (AP, citizenship, CELI, CILS, PLIDA, grammar, pronunciation, accent, reading, writing...). I will put at your disposal my skills, my experience and my knowledge of Italian, Sicilian, English, Spanish, Latin and Greek. I also teach children (9+). Graduated from the Faculty of Education Sciences.

USD 20.00/Uur
Beschikbaar 06:30 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Melissa.

21 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Languages graduate with experience in teaching I have been studying languages since I was a child and I know how much it is important to be patient and constant. Above all, you need to keep your motivation high and for this reason, I want you to get curious to know more about Italian culture!

USD 6.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 20:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Raffaele.

691 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante professionista con 10 anni di esperienza. Mi piace combinare insieme lo studio della grammatica, del vocabolario ed elementi della cultura italiana.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Maria Rosaria.

2,910 lessen

Maria Rosaria

id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

CERTIFIED AND EXPERIENCED ITALIAN LANGUAGE TEACHER FOR FOREIGNERS I'm an open - minded and patient teacher. I like talking and joking with my students because I want to make them feeling relaxed and comfortable during my lessons. I taught to students of different nationalities and this experience helped me to understand which are the difficulties in learning the Italian Language. I'm also empathetic because I know how hard and challenging the study of a foreign language is.

USD 12.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 05:00 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Elisabetta Ricci.

Elisabetta Ricci

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Sono un'insegnante di italiano molto socievole, attenta e scrupolosa. Sono molto paziente infatti per me la sfida è soprattutto insegnare l'italiano a chi comincia da zero. Mi pace moltissimo anche aiutare chi deve migliorare il proprio italiano e parte da un livello più avanzato. Io amo conoscere i miei studenti e instaurare con loro un rapporto di fiducia reciproca.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Ginny  金妮.

626 lessen

Ginny 金妮

id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

Certified TEFL & CELTA teacher, +10yrs experience, children & adults, general & specific purposes I used to give private classes from 2013 to 2015 in Italy, since one of the two majors of my bachelor degree is English Language and Culture. My first teaching experience related school-wise dates back to 2016, at Xiamen International English school (CHINA). At the same time I was teaching Italian at 柠檬小语种 (LEMON Language School). Afterwards I moved to Shanghai. There I had the chance to teach in two different schools. The first one for adults beginners seeking mostly Business English classes, 大嘴外语服务 (Big Mouth Foreign Languages Services) and the other one targeted High School students, 托玛士英语 (Thomas English)

USD 15.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher anna  di maggio.

678 lessen

anna di maggio

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Ho conseguito la laurea magistrale in lingua e cultura italiane per stranieri presso l' università di Bologna. Adesso sto frequentando un master di secondo livello in "Teoria, progettazione e didattica dell'italiano come lingua seconda e straniera" presso l'università di Palermo. Ho esperienze di insegnamento della lingua italiana, francese e inglese sia in ambito privato che pubblico. Mi piace spiegare, trovare modi diversi per trasmettere regole e contenuti linguistici e credo soprattutto che l'insegnamento sia un processo cooperativo che avviene tra insegnante e studenti.

USD 10.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 07:00 Morgen
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Chiara.

92 lessen


id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

EN: I'm here to accompany you on a journey through the beauty of the Italian language and culture. I have an MA and I'm about to begin a PhD in language teaching: in my view teachers should never stop researching what is the best way to teach and always keep themselves updated. Not only I have a very good knowledge of the Italian language, including regional varieties and pronunciations, but I am also able to communicate concepts in a clear and organized way. Ich bin hier, um Sie auf einer Reise durch die Schönheit der italienischen Sprache und Kultur zu begleiten. Ich habe einen MA und bin gerade dabei, eine Promotion in Sprachlehre zu beginnen.

USD 15.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 20:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Mattia.

2,327 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I am proud of my students! Mi piace creare lezioni divertenti cercando materiale di vostro interesse in modo da non annoiarvi. Ho un’ottima pronuncia , non ho uno specifico accento regionale. Che siate alle prime armi, che vogliate raggiungere una perfetta padronanza della lingua attraverso conversazioni complesse o conoscere la cultura italiana sarò lieto di aiutarvi. I like to make amusing lessons finding teaching materials of your interest. I have an excellent pronunciation, I do not have a specific regional accent.Wheather you are a beginner or you would like to get a perfect proficiency of my language through complex conversations or have a better knowledge of the italian culture I will be glad to help you.

USD 9.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 20:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Mario Schiavelli.

Mario Schiavelli

id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante di Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese e Portoguese (Brasile), con 24 anni di esperienza. Alla base del mio sistema, vige la comunicazione interpersonale, sempre effettiva ed efficace. Empatia, entusiasmo, creativitá e disciplina sono alcune delle abilitá blande che io posseggo, tutte fondamentali per ottenere degli ottimi risultati da parte dei miei studenti.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Roberto M..

2,037 lessen

Roberto M.

id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Insegnante Madrelingua Certificato con anni di esperienza! I've been teaching Italian as a foreign language for 6+ years, mostly abroad. I’m very passionate about my job and I keep learning all about it. I have had students from different countries and students of all ages and ability levels. I strongly believe that learning a foreign language shouldn't be boring at all! Trabajo con varios tipos de estudiantes: adolescentes, universitarios que quieren irse de Erasmus o viajar a Italia, y que necesitan sacarse un certificado de idioma, y adultos que quieren profundizar sus conocimientos de la cultura y el idioma de mí pais. Así que, si quieres aprender italiano o mejorar tu nivel y hablas español, genial, probablemente soy tu mejor opción!

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Emily.

582 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Experienced Tutor and Language Coach, focus on mindfulness + self compassion for students' wellbeing I structure students' lessons not only keeping their learning style in mind, but also focusing on who they are authentically behind their language studies. Therefore, building long term student relationships is very important to me and my work. I love sharing tips that will compliment language learning habits in general. I find different ways to explain a concept and understand how to energize my lessons through new material, and will always leave time for students to tell me about any mental hurdles I can help them through while learning. I am very patient, compassionate, determined and flexible to only offer the best in helping students reach their goals, beginner or advanced.

USD 10.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Sara.

1,197 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

Since my first year at University, I've tutored students in Italian, English and Spanish. I have been working on Italki since 2020 and I had the chance to meet many students and to enrich my didactic methods. Dal primo anno di Università ho aiutato altri studenti a prepararsi in italiano, inglese e spagnolo. Lavoro su Italki dal 2020 e ho avuto l'opportunità di incontrare molti studenti e di arricchiere i miei metodi didattici.

USD 19.00/Uur
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Julieta.

489 lessen


id verified
Professionele leerkracht
SPEAKS :Italiaans
Chinees (Mandarijn)

Certified Italian teacher with over 5 years of experience I like to adapt each lesson to the student's personal needs and interests and use my knowledge and expertise to guide them at all times. I like to constantly ask for feedback in order to meet your requirements and adapt to your learning style, thus being able to build our study path together. I'm able to recognize when a student needs complete guidance versus when to give them more freedom in class.

USD 5.00/proefles
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Tina Formy.

861 lessen

Tina Formy

id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

sono una persona che riesce a capire le difficoltà di imparare una nuova lingua, questo per esperienze personali, prima con il portoghese e adesso con l'inglese. Ho insegnato in Brasile italiano a studenti e famiglie. Sou uma pessoa que consegue perceber as dificuldades de aprender uma nova língua, isto por experiência pessoal,primeiro com o português e agora com o inglês. Ensinei italiano para alunos e famílias no Brasil.

USD 9.00/proefles
Beschikbaar 20:45 Vandaag
Learn Italiaans with the teacher Giulio.

1,746 lessen


id verified
SPEAKS :Italiaans

I've a background of studies on Humanities, so I'm very competent in my language. But let better speak my students about me as a teacher! Now I'm full time on italki, and these are the kinds of comments I've been receiving lately: "Giulio is an amazing teacher! He is very knowledgeable in all things Italian and Italy! It was a lot of fun learning the language through song and pleasant conversation. I am a nervous language learner who is a bit shy about making mistakes, but Giulio helped me feel very comfortable in our lesson. I highly recommend him!" "I've never had a lesson like this! I really like Giulio's methods and I feel as though it's impossible NOT to learn!!! Grazie, Giulio!"

USD 5.00/proefles
Je laatste betaling wordt gedaan in USD

Veelgestelde vragen over leraren Italiaans

Een online leraar Italiaans is iemand die je zal begeleiden bij het leren van de taal op de best mogelijke manier, door een studiemethode te structureren die bij jou en je behoeften past. Hij of zij begint met het bepalen van je taalniveau en stelt vervolgens het beste leertraject voor dat je naar het gewenste niveau van lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken van de Italiaanse taal zal brengen.

Om de meest geschikte privéleraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden, kun je verschillende methoden gebruiken: van mond-tot-mondreclame tot het zoeken op gespecialiseerde websites, waar je de ervaringen van verschillende docenten kunt vergelijken. Het laatste wordt het meest aanbevolen, omdat je de meningen van verschillende studenten kunt vergelijken en echte – en nuttige – feedback kunt verzamelen om de beste leraar voor jou te kiezen. Onder al deze methoden is italki de beste manier om de meest geschikte leraar Italiaans voor jou te vinden. italki biedt een grote database van online professionals die je in staat stelt om:

– De taal die je liefhebt te leren met maximale flexibiliteit;

– De kosten van je lessen te kiezen;

– Vele leraren te testen voordat je de online leraar vindt die bij jou past;

– De tijden en ritmes van je leertraject te bepalen en te studeren waar en hoe je wilt.

Een online Italiaanse les kan verschillende lengtes hebben. Een les duurt gemiddeld een uur: de standaardtijd die nodig is om met je online leraar Italiaans nieuwe of al verworven concepten te leren en te herhalen. In situaties die een intensievere voorbereiding vereisen, zoals de voorbereiding op taalcertificeringen of een belangrijk examen, kunnen meer lessen nodig zijn – zonder echter ooit de uurgrens te overschrijden. Niet langer, want je geheugen en aandacht zouden eronder kunnen lijden en je zou niets kunnen onthouden.

De beste online cursus Italiaans is op italki: een interactieve en boeiende leermethode die rekening houdt met je tijd- en kosteneisen, en je de online leraar Italiaans biedt die begrijpt welke studiemethode het beste bij jou past.

We kunnen zeggen dat de keuze van de leraar aan wie je je online lessen Italiaans toevertrouwt, het resultaat is van een reeks variabelen: kosten, tijd, gemak en competentie van de Italiaanse leraar die je kiest.

Een online cursus Italiaans kan gemiddeld van 1 euro tot 60 euro per uur kosten, afhankelijk van wat je zoekt en de online Italiaanse leraar aan wie je je toevertrouwt. De kosten kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren: de ervaring van je leraar, de tijd die je aan studie kunt besteden, het niveau dat je wilt bereiken en je beginniveau.

Klaar om Italiaans te leren? Boek vandaag nog een proefles met een van onze deskundige Italiaanse tutors en zet de eerste stap naar vloeiendheid.